TRISTAN X (2019)

The tenth edition took place June 17-21, 2019 in Hamilton Island, Australia.

Organizing Committee

  • Mark Hickman, the University of Queensland
  • Carlo Prato, the University of Queensland
  • Michael Bell, the University of Sydney
  • Travis Waller, the University of New South Wales
  • Michiel Bliemer, the University of Sydney

Plenary Speakers

  • David Simchi‐Levi, MIT
    Online Resource Allocation with Applications to Revenue Management
  • SC Wong, University of Hong Kong
    Continuum Modeling Approach to Land Use, Transport and the Environment for Urban Cities
  • Stephane Hess, University of Leeds
    Quantum Logic and Neural Preference Accumulation: A Leap Into the Unknown or a New Dawn for Dynamic Travel Behaviour Models?
  • Michael Bell, University of Sydney
    Designing Greener City Logistics Networks


Announcement (PDF) — (1.1 Mb)
Complete Program (PDF) — (46.1 Mb)
