User Equilibrium versus System Optimum in Transportation when Costs are Non-separable and Asymmetric | Network Assignment | Georgia | Perakis | 8 | In this paper we characterize the inefficiency between user and system optimal solutions, when costs are non-separable and asymmetric, generalizing earlier work that has addressed this issue for separable and nonseparable symmetric costs. This generalization models traffic equilibria, multi-period pricing and competitive supply chains. The bounds established in this paper are tight and explicitly account for the degree of asymmetry and nonlinearity of the cost function. | acc | 1 | 13 | Sloan School, MIT | 50 Memorial Drive | E53-359 | Cambridge | MA | USA | 617-253-8277 | 2139 | |
A comparison of two new exact algorithms for the robust shortest path problem | Other | Luca Maria | Gambardella | 10 | Real road networks can be modelled in mathematical terms as interval digraphs, where an interval of travel times (costs) is associated with each arc. Intervals represent uncertainty, typical of real situations, about exact travel times. A robust shortest path is a path which is not too far from the shortest one, whatever the exact values of arc costs are. This concept, expressed in mathematical terms, is used to drive optimization. In this paper we compare the performance of two exact methods recently presented on some real road networks. | acc | 0 | 16 | Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA) | | | | | Switzerland | | | |
A comparison of two new exact algorithms for the robust shortest path problem | Other | Alberto | Donati | 10 | Real road networks can be modelled in mathematical terms as interval digraphs, where an interval of travel times (costs) is associated with each arc. Intervals represent uncertainty, typical of real situations, about exact travel times. A robust shortest path is a path which is not too far from the shortest one, whatever the exact values of arc costs are. This concept, expressed in mathematical terms, is used to drive optimization. In this paper we compare the performance of two exact methods recently presented on some real road networks. | acc | 0 | 17 | Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA) | | | | | Switzerland | | | |
A comparison of two new exact algorithms for the robust shortest path problem | Other | Roberto | Montemanni | 10 | Real road networks can be modelled in mathematical terms as interval digraphs, where an interval of travel times (costs) is associated with each arc. Intervals represent uncertainty, typical of real situations, about exact travel times. A robust shortest path is a path which is not too far from the shortest one, whatever the exact values of arc costs are. This concept, expressed in mathematical terms, is used to drive optimization. In this paper we compare the performance of two exact methods recently presented on some real road networks. | acc | 1 | 15 | Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA) | Galleria 2 | | Manno-Lugano | Canton Ticino | Switzerland | ;41 91 610 8568 | CH-6928 | |
A new algorithm to solve large-scale fixed-point problems | Network Assignment | Frank | Crittin | 11 | We propose a matrix-free algorithm designed to solve large scale nonlinear systems of equations without derivative and without any particular assumption about the structure of the problem or its Jacobian. Furthermore our population-based approach produce a reliable method to solve stochastic systems of nonlinear equations. | acc | 0 | 19 | EPFL | | | | | Switzerland | | | |
A new algorithm to solve large-scale fixed-point problems | Network Assignment | Michel | Bierlaire | 11 | We propose a matrix-free algorithm designed to solve large scale nonlinear systems of equations without derivative and without any particular assumption about the structure of the problem or its Jacobian. Furthermore our population-based approach produce a reliable method to solve stochastic systems of nonlinear equations. | acc | 1 | 18 | EPFL | Institute of Mathematics | | Lausanne | | Switzerland | ;41-21-693.25.37 | CH-1015 | |
The Berth Allocation Problem: Application to the Gioia Tauro Maritime Terminal | Freight Transportation | Jean-François | Cordeau | 12 | In the Berth Allocation Problem (BAP) the aim is to optimally schedule and assign ships to berthing areas along a quay. Two formulations and a tabu search heuristic are developed. On small instances the heuristic always yields optimal solutions. For larger sizes it is always better than a truncated branch-and-bound. | acc | 0 | 21 | HEC Montréal | | | | | Canada | | | |
The Berth Allocation Problem: Application to the Gioia Tauro Maritime Terminal | Freight Transportation | Pasquale | Legato | 12 | In the Berth Allocation Problem (BAP) the aim is to optimally schedule and assign ships to berthing areas along a quay. Two formulations and a tabu search heuristic are developed. On small instances the heuristic always yields optimal solutions. For larger sizes it is always better than a truncated branch-and-bound. | acc | 0 | 22 | Universita della Calabria | | | | | Italy | | | |
The Berth Allocation Problem: Application to the Gioia Tauro Maritime Terminal | Freight Transportation | Luigi | Moccia | 12 | In the Berth Allocation Problem (BAP) the aim is to optimally schedule and assign ships to berthing areas along a quay. Two formulations and a tabu search heuristic are developed. On small instances the heuristic always yields optimal solutions. For larger sizes it is always better than a truncated branch-and-bound. | acc | 0 | 23 | HEC Montréal / Universita della Calabria | | | | | Canada / Italy | | | |
The Berth Allocation Problem: Application to the Gioia Tauro Maritime Terminal | Freight Transportation | Gilbert | Laporte | 12 | In the Berth Allocation Problem (BAP) the aim is to optimally schedule and assign ships to berthing areas along a quay. Two formulations and a tabu search heuristic are developed. On small instances the heuristic always yields optimal solutions. For larger sizes it is always better than a truncated branch-and-bound. | acc | 1 | 20 | HEC Montréal | 3000 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine | | Montréal | Québec | Canada | (514)343-6143 | H3T 2A7 | |
The Cost Allocation Problem in a Joint Replenishment Transportation Model | Transport Economics and Pricing | Moshe | Haviv | 13 | We consider an infinite-horizon deterministic joint replenishment problem with first order interaction: each time that a subset of retailers places an order, a major transportation fixed cost is incurred in addition to retailers'-dependent minor transportation costs. In addition, each retailer is associated with a retailer-dependent holding cost rate. A power-of-two policy for this problem has been proposed in the literature 20 years ago. However, the cost allocation problem among the various retailers remained open. Here we define a characteristic function for any subset of retailers that represents the average-time total cost associated with the retailers in the subset. We show that the resulting game is concave. Finally, we give an example for a core allocation and prove that there are infinitely many core allocations. | acc | 0 | 25 | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | | | | | Israel | | | |
The Cost Allocation Problem in a Joint Replenishment Transportation Model | Transport Economics and Pricing | Shoshana | Anily | 13 | We consider an infinite-horizon deterministic joint replenishment problem with first order interaction: each time that a subset of retailers places an order, a major transportation fixed cost is incurred in addition to retailers'-dependent minor transportation costs. In addition, each retailer is associated with a retailer-dependent holding cost rate. A power-of-two policy for this problem has been proposed in the literature 20 years ago. However, the cost allocation problem among the various retailers remained open. Here we define a characteristic function for any subset of retailers that represents the average-time total cost associated with the retailers in the subset. We show that the resulting game is concave. Finally, we give an example for a core allocation and prove that there are infinitely many core allocations. | acc | 1 | 24 | Tel Aviv University | Faculty of Management | | Tel Aviv | | Israel | 972-3-640-8861 | 69978 | |
A Heuristic Solution Method to a Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem | Vehicle Routing | Lars Magnus | Hvattum | 14 | In order to solve real-world vehicle routing problems, the standard Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) model usually needs to be extended. Here we consider the case when customers can call in orders during the daily operations, i.e., both customer locations and demand may be unknown in advance. Our heuristic approach attempts to minimize the expected number of vehicles and their travel distance in the final execution, under the condition that the unknown parameters have a known (approximated) distribution. | acc | 0 | 27 | Molde University College | | | | | Norway | | | |
A Heuristic Solution Method to a Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem | Vehicle Routing | Gilbert | Laporte | 14 | In order to solve real-world vehicle routing problems, the standard Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) model usually needs to be extended. Here we consider the case when customers can call in orders during the daily operations, i.e., both customer locations and demand may be unknown in advance. Our heuristic approach attempts to minimize the expected number of vehicles and their travel distance in the final execution, under the condition that the unknown parameters have a known (approximated) distribution. | acc | 0 | 28 | HEC Montreal | | | | | Canada | | | |
A Heuristic Solution Method to a Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem | Vehicle Routing | Arne | Løkketangen | 14 | In order to solve real-world vehicle routing problems, the standard Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) model usually needs to be extended. Here we consider the case when customers can call in orders during the daily operations, i.e., both customer locations and demand may be unknown in advance. Our heuristic approach attempts to minimize the expected number of vehicles and their travel distance in the final execution, under the condition that the unknown parameters have a known (approximated) distribution. | acc | 1 | 26 | Molde University College | Britveien 2 | | Molde | | Norway | 4 799 690 939 | 6411 | |
A Combinatorial Auctions Framework for Information-Based Traffic Network Control Consistent with Driver Behavior | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Pengcheng | Zhang | 15 | This paper proposes a combinatorial auction based general framework to generate effective real-time information provision control strategies that more robustly predicts driver route choice behavior for the operation of vehicular traffic networks. The framework integrates control decisions and more realistic driver behavior representation on an agent-based simulation platform. | acc | 0 | 30 | Purdue University | | | | | USA | | | |
A Combinatorial Auctions Framework for Information-Based Traffic Network Control Consistent with Driver Behavior | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Srinivas | Peeta | 15 | This paper proposes a combinatorial auction based general framework to generate effective real-time information provision control strategies that more robustly predicts driver route choice behavior for the operation of vehicular traffic networks. The framework integrates control decisions and more realistic driver behavior representation on an agent-based simulation platform. | acc | 1 | 29 | Purdue University | School of Civil Engineering | 550 Stadium Mall Drive | West Lafayette | IN | USA | ;001 765-494-2209 | 47907-2051 | |
Integrated Airline Planning | Air Transportation | Rivi | Sandhu | 16 | Current business processes in strategic planning of most airlines consist of first assigning an equipment type to each flight, next a generic aircraft is assigned to each flight and at the end a crew is assigned to each flight. The existing practice is to solve these three problems independently and in a sequential order. However, such an approach yields suboptimal solutions since the output of each process is the input of the next process. We propose an integrated model that simultaneously finds a global solution. The model is solved by a combined Lagrangian decomposition and column generation approach. We present computational results on real-world instances. | acc | 0 | 32 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | | | | | USA | | | |
Integrated Airline Planning | Air Transportation | Diego | Klabjan | 16 | Current business processes in strategic planning of most airlines consist of first assigning an equipment type to each flight, next a generic aircraft is assigned to each flight and at the end a crew is assigned to each flight. The existing practice is to solve these three problems independently and in a sequential order. However, such an approach yields suboptimal solutions since the output of each process is the input of the next process. We propose an integrated model that simultaneously finds a global solution. The model is solved by a combined Lagrangian decomposition and column generation approach. We present computational results on real-world instances. | acc | 1 | 31 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 1206 West Green Street | | Urbana | IL | USA | 12 172 658 218 | 61801 | |
A simple method for handling tours with multiple destinations in large scale transport demand models | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Odd I. | Larsen | 19 | "A new method for handling tours with multiple destinations in has been implemented in a Norwegian model system. It is based on visits as the basic unit of interest. The method implies that visits are distributed between single destination tours and tours with two destinatiations in a way that maintains the \""correct\"" number of visits by purpose. " | acc | 1 | 36 | Molde University College & Molde Research | Servicebox 8 | | Molde | | Norway | 4 771 214 000 | N-6405 | |
An Analytical Model for Traffic Delays | Network Assignment | Georgia | Perakis | 20 | The dynamic traffic assignment problem relies on an accurate model for evaluating traffic delays. This paper derives an analytical function of the travel time, based on the theory of kinematic waves. The travel time function integrates traffic dynamics and the effects of shocks. | acc | 0 | 38 | Sloan School of Management, MIT | | | | | USA | | | |
An Analytical Model for Traffic Delays | Network Assignment | Guillaume | Roels | 20 | The dynamic traffic assignment problem relies on an accurate model for evaluating traffic delays. This paper derives an analytical function of the travel time, based on the theory of kinematic waves. The travel time function integrates traffic dynamics and the effects of shocks. | acc | 1 | 37 | Operations Research Center - MIT | 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Bldg. E40-149 | | Cambridge | MA | USA | 617-577-5593 | 2139 | |
Vehicle Routing for the Home Delivery of Perishable Products | Vehicle Routing | Nabila | Azi | 21 | We consider a variant of the vehicle routing problem with time windows where the same vehicle is assigned to several routes during a given planning period. The proposed methodology for solving this problem is based on an elementary shortest path algorithm with resource constraints. | acc | 0 | 40 | Université de Montréal | | | | | Canada | | | |
Vehicle Routing for the Home Delivery of Perishable Products | Vehicle Routing | Michel | Gendreau | 21 | We consider a variant of the vehicle routing problem with time windows where the same vehicle is assigned to several routes during a given planning period. The proposed methodology for solving this problem is based on an elementary shortest path algorithm with resource constraints. | acc | 0 | 41 | Université de Montréal | | | | | Canada | | | |
Vehicle Routing for the Home Delivery of Perishable Products | Vehicle Routing | Jean-Yves | Potvin | 21 | We consider a variant of the vehicle routing problem with time windows where the same vehicle is assigned to several routes during a given planning period. The proposed methodology for solving this problem is based on an elementary shortest path algorithm with resource constraints. | acc | 1 | 39 | Université de Montréal | Dépt. d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle | C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville | Montréal | Québec | Canada | 514-343-7093 | H3C 3J7 | |
Forecasting Travel on Congested Urban Transportation Networks: Review and Prospects | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Huw | Williams | 22 | In 1954 an integrated model of origin-destination, route and link flows was formulated, while transportation planners were trying to solve computationally the same problem. Unaware of the formulation, they proposed a sequential procedure. This paper examines these developments in research and practice, seeking to understand and interpret why they occurred. | acc | 0 | 43 | Cardiff University | | | | | United Kingdom | | | |
Forecasting Travel on Congested Urban Transportation Networks: Review and Prospects | Urban Transportation Planning Models | David | Boyce | 22 | In 1954 an integrated model of origin-destination, route and link flows was formulated, while transportation planners were trying to solve computationally the same problem. Unaware of the formulation, they proposed a sequential procedure. This paper examines these developments in research and practice, seeking to understand and interpret why they occurred. | acc | 1 | 42 | Northwestern University | 2149 Grey Avenue | | Evanston | Illinois | USA | 847-570-9501 | 60201 | |
Performance Measurement for Inventory Routing | Vehicle Routing | Jin-Hwa | Song | 23 | We develop an LP-based methodology that allows the computation of tight lower bounds on the total mileage required to deliver product over a period of time. As a result, companies will be able to gain insight into the effectiveness of their distribution strategy. | acc | 0 | 45 | Georgia Institute of Technology | | | | | U.S.A. | | | |
Performance Measurement for Inventory Routing | Vehicle Routing | Martin | Savelsbergh | 23 | We develop an LP-based methodology that allows the computation of tight lower bounds on the total mileage required to deliver product over a period of time. As a result, companies will be able to gain insight into the effectiveness of their distribution strategy. | acc | 1 | 44 | Georgia Institute of Technology | 765 Ferst Street | | Atlanta | GA | U.S.A. | 404-894-3025 | 30332-0205 | |
The correct sensitivity analysis for traffic equilibria, with applications | Transport Economics and Pricing | Michael | Patriksson | 24 | We characterize the (directional) differentiability of traffic equilibria and their extensions to logit SUE and side constraints. An analysis of a previous analysis due to Tobin and Friesz establishes its limitations with counter-examples. Finally, we provide a network design algorithm based on the exact sensitivity analysis. | acc | 1 | 46 | Chalmers University of Technology | Department of Mathematics | | Gothenburg | | Sweden | ;46 31 7723529 | SE-412 96 | |
Heuristic Dynamic Assignment Based on AIMSUN Microscopic Traffic Simulator | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Jordi | Casas | 25 | This paper discuses one of the most critical aspects of the dynamic simulation of road networks based on a microscopic approach, how it performs a heuristic dynamic assignment, the implied route choice models, and whether under certain criteria it can achieve a stochastic user equilibrium. | acc | 0 | 48 | TSS-Transport Simulation Systems | | | | | Spain | | | |
Heuristic Dynamic Assignment Based on AIMSUN Microscopic Traffic Simulator | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Jaume | Barceló | 25 | This paper discuses one of the most critical aspects of the dynamic simulation of road networks based on a microscopic approach, how it performs a heuristic dynamic assignment, the implied route choice models, and whether under certain criteria it can achieve a stochastic user equilibrium. | acc | 1 | 47 | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Edifici U, Campus Sud, | Pau Gargallo, 5 | Barcelona | | Spain | ;34 93 401 6947 | 8028 | |
Collaborative Logistics: The Shipper Collaboration Problem | Freight Transportation | Martin | Savelsbergh | 26 | We discuss an application of collaboration in logistics from the trucking industry where a buyers\\\\\\' collaboration is established by a group of shippers pooling together their shipment requests. We explore two directions: how to solve the underlying optimization problem when the timing of shipments is important, and how to allocate the benefits/costs of collaboration. | acc | 0 | 50 | Georgia Institute Of Technology | | | | | USA | | | |
Collaborative Logistics: The Shipper Collaboration Problem | Freight Transportation | Gultekin | Kuyzu | 26 | We discuss an application of collaboration in logistics from the trucking industry where a buyers\\\\\\' collaboration is established by a group of shippers pooling together their shipment requests. We explore two directions: how to solve the underlying optimization problem when the timing of shipments is important, and how to allocate the benefits/costs of collaboration. | acc | 0 | 51 | Georgia Institute Of Technology | | | | | USA | | | |
Collaborative Logistics: The Shipper Collaboration Problem | Freight Transportation | Ozlem | Ergun | 26 | We discuss an application of collaboration in logistics from the trucking industry where a buyers\\\\\\' collaboration is established by a group of shippers pooling together their shipment requests. We explore two directions: how to solve the underlying optimization problem when the timing of shipments is important, and how to allocate the benefits/costs of collaboration. | acc | 1 | 49 | ISyE | Georgia Institute of Technology | | Atlanta | GA | USA | 1-404-894-2369 | 30332 | |
Planning lines with minimal transfers - A Dantzig-Wolfe Approach | Public Transportation | Anita | Schöbel | 27 | In this paper we develop a customer-oriented line planning model in which we are minimizing the travel times oder all customers including penalties for the tranfers needed. We develop integer programming models and suggest a solution approach using Danthig-Wolfe decomposition. Numerical results of real-world instances are presented. | acc | 0 | 53 | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern | | | | | Germany | | | |
Planning lines with minimal transfers - A Dantzig-Wolfe Approach | Public Transportation | Susanne | Scholl | 27 | In this paper we develop a customer-oriented line planning model in which we are minimizing the travel times oder all customers including penalties for the tranfers needed. We develop integer programming models and suggest a solution approach using Danthig-Wolfe decomposition. Numerical results of real-world instances are presented. | acc | 1 | 52 | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern | Postfach 3049 | | Kaiserslautern | | Germany | 4,96312E;11 | 67653 | |
Sensitivity Analysis of a Dynamic Vehicle Allocation Policy Using Approximate Dynamic Programming and Applications to Fleet Sizing | Freight Transportation | Warren | Powell | 30 | We present tractable algorithms to assess the sensitivity of a stochastic fleet management model to fleet size and load availability. The novel aspect of our approach is that it does not require multiple simulations with different values of the model parameters. Numerical experiments show that the proposed methods are accurate and computationally attractive. | acc | 0 | 59 | Princeton University | | | | | USA | | | |
Sensitivity Analysis of a Dynamic Vehicle Allocation Policy Using Approximate Dynamic Programming and Applications to Fleet Sizing | Freight Transportation | Huseyin | Topaloglu | 30 | We present tractable algorithms to assess the sensitivity of a stochastic fleet management model to fleet size and load availability. The novel aspect of our approach is that it does not require multiple simulations with different values of the model parameters. Numerical experiments show that the proposed methods are accurate and computationally attractive. | acc | 1 | 58 | Cornell University | School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering | Cornell University | Ithaca | NY | USA | 1-607-255-0698 | 14853 | |
Integrated Bus And Driver Scheduling | Public Transportation | Jacques | Desrosiers | 31 | We consider the integrated bus and driver scheduling problem: Given a set of timetabled trips and a fleet of buses assigned to several depots, find minimum-cost blocks and driver duties such that each active trip is covered by one block, each active trip segment is covered by one duty, and each inactive trip schedule is also covered by one duty. | acc | 0 | 61 | HEC Montréal and GERAD | | | | | Canada | | | |
Integrated Bus And Driver Scheduling | Public Transportation | Marius | Solomon | 31 | We consider the integrated bus and driver scheduling problem: Given a set of timetabled trips and a fleet of buses assigned to several depots, find minimum-cost blocks and driver duties such that each active trip is covered by one block, each active trip segment is covered by one duty, and each inactive trip schedule is also covered by one duty. | acc | 0 | 62 | Northeastern University | | | | | USA | | | |
Integrated Bus And Driver Scheduling | Public Transportation | Guy | Desaulniers | 31 | We consider the integrated bus and driver scheduling problem: Given a set of timetabled trips and a fleet of buses assigned to several depots, find minimum-cost blocks and driver duties such that each active trip is covered by one block, each active trip segment is covered by one duty, and each inactive trip schedule is also covered by one duty. | acc | 1 | 60 | École Polytechnique de Montréal and GERAD | GERAD/HEC Montréal | 3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine | Montréal | Québec | Canada | (514)340-6053 #6671 | H3T 2A7 | |
A genetic algorithm with population management (GA|PM) for the CARP | Vehicle Routing | Marc | Sevaux | 33 | In this paper, we apply the framework of genetic algorithms with population management (GA|PM) to the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP). GA|PM use distance measures to control the diversity of a small population of high-quality solutions. The algorithm is compared on the 23 GDB instances from Golden, DeArmon and Baker. The GA|PM is able to retrieve the same solutions much faster than an improved memetic algorithm, and can therefore be considered the best method to date | acc | 0 | 67 | University of Valenciennes - LAMIH/SP | | | | | France | | | |
A genetic algorithm with population management (GA|PM) for the CARP | Vehicle Routing | Kenneth | Sörensen | 33 | In this paper, we apply the framework of genetic algorithms with population management (GA|PM) to the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP). GA|PM use distance measures to control the diversity of a small population of high-quality solutions. The algorithm is compared on the 23 GDB instances from Golden, DeArmon and Baker. The GA|PM is able to retrieve the same solutions much faster than an improved memetic algorithm, and can therefore be considered the best method to date | acc | 0 | 68 | University of Antwerp - Faculty of Applied Economics | | | | | Belgium | | | |
A genetic algorithm with population management (GA|PM) for the CARP | Vehicle Routing | Christian | Prins | 33 | In this paper, we apply the framework of genetic algorithms with population management (GA|PM) to the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP). GA|PM use distance measures to control the diversity of a small population of high-quality solutions. The algorithm is compared on the 23 GDB instances from Golden, DeArmon and Baker. The GA|PM is able to retrieve the same solutions much faster than an improved memetic algorithm, and can therefore be considered the best method to date | acc | 1 | 66 | University of Technolgy of Troyes - LOSI | 12 rue Marie Curie | BP - 2060 | Troyes | | France | ;33 325 71 56 41 | F-10010 | |
A survey on operations research applications in container terminal logistics | Freight Transportation | Robert | Stahlbock | 34 | Containers have achieved undoubted importance in international sea freight transportation. With increasing containerization, the competition among seaport container terminals has become remarkable. Operations need effective and efficient use of information technology and appropriate optimization methods. We present a survey of main operations in container terminals and methods for their optimization. | acc | 0 | 70 | University of Hamburg | | | | | Germany | | | |
A survey on operations research applications in container terminal logistics | Freight Transportation | Dirk | Steenken | 34 | Containers have achieved undoubted importance in international sea freight transportation. With increasing containerization, the competition among seaport container terminals has become remarkable. Operations need effective and efficient use of information technology and appropriate optimization methods. We present a survey of main operations in container terminals and methods for their optimization. | acc | 0 | 71 | Hamburger Hafen- und Lagerhaus AG | | | | | Germany | | | |
A survey on operations research applications in container terminal logistics | Freight Transportation | Stefan | Voss | 34 | Containers have achieved undoubted importance in international sea freight transportation. With increasing containerization, the competition among seaport container terminals has become remarkable. Operations need effective and efficient use of information technology and appropriate optimization methods. We present a survey of main operations in container terminals and methods for their optimization. | acc | 1 | 69 | University of Hamburg | Institute of Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik) | Von-Melle-Park 5 | Hamburg | | Germany | ;49 (040) 42838-3063 | D-20146 | |
Hierarchical Nonlinear Model-Predictive Ramp Metering Control for Freeway Networks | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Markos | Papageorgiou | 35 | This paper presents the combination of the optimal network-wide model-based ramp metering control strategy AMOC, with the local feedback ramp metering strategy ALINEA and a variation of it, within a single hierarchical control structure. Results from a large-scale simulated application to the Amsterdam ring-road are presented. | acc | 0 | 73 | Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory, Technical University of Crete | | | | | Greece | | | |
Hierarchical Nonlinear Model-Predictive Ramp Metering Control for Freeway Networks | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Apostolos | Kotsialos | 35 | This paper presents the combination of the optimal network-wide model-based ramp metering control strategy AMOC, with the local feedback ramp metering strategy ALINEA and a variation of it, within a single hierarchical control structure. Results from a large-scale simulated application to the Amsterdam ring-road are presented. | acc | 1 | 72 | Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory, Technical University of Crete | University Campus, Kounoupidiana | Dep. of Production Engineering and Management, Tech. Univ. of Crete | Chania | Crete | Greece | -28181,0015 | 731 00 | |
The period vehicle routing problem with service level choice | Vehicle Routing | Peter | Francis | 37 | We study a variation on the period vehicle routing problem (PVRP) in which the frequency of service is a decision variable. We present the problem formulation and solution methods. | acc | 0 | 77 | Northwestern University | | | | | USA | | | |
The period vehicle routing problem with service level choice | Vehicle Routing | Michal | Tzur | 37 | We study a variation on the period vehicle routing problem (PVRP) in which the frequency of service is a decision variable. We present the problem formulation and solution methods. | acc | 0 | 78 | Northwestern University and Tel Aviv University | | | | | USA | | | |
The period vehicle routing problem with service level choice | Vehicle Routing | Karen | Smilowitz | 37 | We study a variation on the period vehicle routing problem (PVRP) in which the frequency of service is a decision variable. We present the problem formulation and solution methods. | acc | 1 | 76 | Northwestern University | Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences | 2145 Sheridan Road, Room M233 | Evanston | IL | USA | 847-491-4693 | 60202 | |
Modeling and Simulation of Multilane and Multiclass Traffic Flow at On and Off Ramps | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Serge | Hoogendoorn | 38 | The aim of this paper is to present a model that is able to take into consideration the lane-changes explicitly. The model is developed based on the principle of the multilane and multiclass gas-kinetic theory in which the lane-changing process at on and off ramps is described microscopically. The model is simulated and calibrated using data collected from freeway A1 in The Netherlands. It turns out that the model is in good agreement with the observed data on this freeway. | acc | 0 | 80 | Delft University of Technology | | | | | The Netherlands | | | |
Modeling and Simulation of Multilane and Multiclass Traffic Flow at On and Off Ramps | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Dong | Ngoduy | 38 | The aim of this paper is to present a model that is able to take into consideration the lane-changes explicitly. The model is developed based on the principle of the multilane and multiclass gas-kinetic theory in which the lane-changing process at on and off ramps is described microscopically. The model is simulated and calibrated using data collected from freeway A1 in The Netherlands. It turns out that the model is in good agreement with the observed data on this freeway. | acc | 1 | 79 | Delft University of Technology | Stevinweg 1 | | Delft | | The Netherlands | 31 152 782 760 | 2628 CN | |
Loop detectors: Accurate and Efficient? | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Nicola | Lehnhoff | 39 | The use of data collected from loop detectors for signal control recently increases significantly for purposes and methods for which the data is not quality proved for. A detailed comparison of collected data with real traffic conditions at various representative intersections will analyse the accuracy of this method. | acc | 1 | 81 | Institute of Transport, Road Engineering and Planning | " University of Hannover, Germany""" | Institut für Verkehrswirtschaft, Straßenwesen und Städtebau Appelstraße 9A | Hannover | Niedersachsen | Germany | ;49 (0511)7623732 | 30167 | |
Influence of air navigation fees on airlines' decisions on frequencies and prices in the European context | Air Transportation | Raffaele | Pesenti | 40 | This work deals with the behavior of airlines as a consequence of an exogenous change in their operating costs and studies how the airlines' reactions may influence the passenger demand and the revenues of the air navigation services providers. In particular, changes in en route air navigation fees are considered. | acc | 0 | 83 | University of Palermo | | | | | Italy | | | |
Influence of air navigation fees on airlines' decisions on frequencies and prices in the European context | Air Transportation | Walter | Ukovich | 40 | This work deals with the behavior of airlines as a consequence of an exogenous change in their operating costs and studies how the airlines' reactions may influence the passenger demand and the revenues of the air navigation services providers. In particular, changes in en route air navigation fees are considered. | acc | 0 | 84 | University of Trieste | | | | | Italy | | | |
Influence of air navigation fees on airlines' decisions on frequencies and prices in the European context | Air Transportation | Lorenzo | Castelli | 40 | This work deals with the behavior of airlines as a consequence of an exogenous change in their operating costs and studies how the airlines' reactions may influence the passenger demand and the revenues of the air navigation services providers. In particular, changes in en route air navigation fees are considered. | acc | 1 | 82 | University of Trieste | Via A. Valerio 10 | | Trieste | | Italy | 390 405 587 134 | 34127 | |
Fuzzy Mathematical Programming Model for Optimizing Airport Capacity Utilization | Air Transportation | Antonio | Trani | 42 | Meteorological conditions, traffic mix and air traffic controller's skills have a direct influence on airport capacity. Since meteorological conditions cannot be precisely forecast over a longer period of time, the capacity of an airport can only be approximately determined. We propose fuzzy mathematical programming model for optimizing airport capacity utilization. | acc | 0 | 94 | Virginia Tech | | | | | U.S.A. | | | |
Fuzzy Mathematical Programming Model for Optimizing Airport Capacity Utilization | Air Transportation | Aniruddha | Kane | 42 | Meteorological conditions, traffic mix and air traffic controller's skills have a direct influence on airport capacity. Since meteorological conditions cannot be precisely forecast over a longer period of time, the capacity of an airport can only be approximately determined. We propose fuzzy mathematical programming model for optimizing airport capacity utilization. | acc | 0 | 95 | Virginia Tech | | | | | U.S.A. | | | |
Fuzzy Mathematical Programming Model for Optimizing Airport Capacity Utilization | Air Transportation | Hojong | Baik | 42 | Meteorological conditions, traffic mix and air traffic controller's skills have a direct influence on airport capacity. Since meteorological conditions cannot be precisely forecast over a longer period of time, the capacity of an airport can only be approximately determined. We propose fuzzy mathematical programming model for optimizing airport capacity utilization. | acc | 0 | 96 | Virginia Tech | | | | | U.S.A. | | | |
Fuzzy Mathematical Programming Model for Optimizing Airport Capacity Utilization | Air Transportation | Dusan | Teodorovic | 42 | Meteorological conditions, traffic mix and air traffic controller's skills have a direct influence on airport capacity. Since meteorological conditions cannot be precisely forecast over a longer period of time, the capacity of an airport can only be approximately determined. We propose fuzzy mathematical programming model for optimizing airport capacity utilization. | acc | 1 | 93 | Virginia Tech | Northern Virginia Center | 7054 Haycock Road | Falls Church | Virginia | U.S.A. | (703) 538-8436 | 22043 | |
Differential Variational Inequalities and Dynamic Models of Freight Networks and Supply Chains | Logistics Network Design | Pengcheng | Zhang | 43 | In this paper we introduce the notion of an infinite dimensional self-regulating variational inequality and show that such problems arise in dynamic modeling of distribution network evolution and supply chain evolution. We also present a combined distribution-network/supply-chain evolution model. We show how these models may be converted to functional nonlinear complementarity problems, which are the basis of an ad hoc finite element/mathematical programming algorithm. A numerical example is provided. | acc | 0 | 100 | Purdue University | | | | | USA | | | |
Differential Variational Inequalities and Dynamic Models of Freight Networks and Supply Chains | Logistics Network Design | Reetabrata | Mookherjee | 43 | In this paper we introduce the notion of an infinite dimensional self-regulating variational inequality and show that such problems arise in dynamic modeling of distribution network evolution and supply chain evolution. We also present a combined distribution-network/supply-chain evolution model. We show how these models may be converted to functional nonlinear complementarity problems, which are the basis of an ad hoc finite element/mathematical programming algorithm. A numerical example is provided. | acc | 0 | 98 | The Pennsylvania State University | | | | | USA | | | |
Differential Variational Inequalities and Dynamic Models of Freight Networks and Supply Chains | Logistics Network Design | Srinivas | Peeta | 43 | In this paper we introduce the notion of an infinite dimensional self-regulating variational inequality and show that such problems arise in dynamic modeling of distribution network evolution and supply chain evolution. We also present a combined distribution-network/supply-chain evolution model. We show how these models may be converted to functional nonlinear complementarity problems, which are the basis of an ad hoc finite element/mathematical programming algorithm. A numerical example is provided. | acc | 0 | 99 | Purdue University | | | | | USA | | | |
Differential Variational Inequalities and Dynamic Models of Freight Networks and Supply Chains | Logistics Network Design | Terry | Friesz | 43 | In this paper we introduce the notion of an infinite dimensional self-regulating variational inequality and show that such problems arise in dynamic modeling of distribution network evolution and supply chain evolution. We also present a combined distribution-network/supply-chain evolution model. We show how these models may be converted to functional nonlinear complementarity problems, which are the basis of an ad hoc finite element/mathematical programming algorithm. A numerical example is provided. | acc | 1 | 97 | The Pennsylvania State University | Dept. of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | 305 Leonhard Building | University Park | PA | USA | ;001 814-863-2445 | 16802 | |
Schedule of sorting warehouses in Charles de Gaulle airport | Air Transportation | Ekbel | Bouzgarrou | 44 | An optimization tool helped Air France to schedule sorting warehouses in Charles de Gaulle airport, where baggage of passengers in connection are treated. This quite simple approach which turned out to be a very efficient one is presented here. | acc | 0 | 102 | Air France | | | | | France | | | |
Schedule of sorting warehouses in Charles de Gaulle airport | Air Transportation | Cyrille | Gueguen | 44 | An optimization tool helped Air France to schedule sorting warehouses in Charles de Gaulle airport, where baggage of passengers in connection are treated. This quite simple approach which turned out to be a very efficient one is presented here. | acc | 0 | 103 | Air France | | | | | France | | | |
Schedule of sorting warehouses in Charles de Gaulle airport | Air Transportation | Véronique | Lemée | 44 | An optimization tool helped Air France to schedule sorting warehouses in Charles de Gaulle airport, where baggage of passengers in connection are treated. This quite simple approach which turned out to be a very efficient one is presented here. | acc | 0 | 104 | Air France | | | | | France | | | |
Schedule of sorting warehouses in Charles de Gaulle airport | Air Transportation | Lemaire | Sebastien | 44 | An optimization tool helped Air France to schedule sorting warehouses in Charles de Gaulle airport, where baggage of passengers in connection are treated. This quite simple approach which turned out to be a very efficient one is presented here. | acc | 1 | 101 | Air France | Air France, service DI.IZ | 1, Av. du Maréchal Devaux | Paray-Vieille-Poste cedex | | France | ;33 1 41 75 30 94 | F-91550 | |
Population based heuristics for the aircraft landing problem | Air Transportation | John | Beasley | 45 | The aircraft landing problem involves assigning each aircraft to a runway, sequencing aircraft for each runway and scheduling a landing time for each aircraft. The objective is to ensure effective runway use while satisfying time requirements. Two population heuristics are developped that have never been applied to this problem before. | acc | 0 | 106 | Imperial College London | | | | | United Kingdom | | | |
Population based heuristics for the aircraft landing problem | Air Transportation | Hélène | Pinol | 45 | The aircraft landing problem involves assigning each aircraft to a runway, sequencing aircraft for each runway and scheduling a landing time for each aircraft. The objective is to ensure effective runway use while satisfying time requirements. Two population heuristics are developped that have never been applied to this problem before. | acc | 1 | 105 | Imperial College London | The Business School - Imperial College London | South Kensington campus | London | | United Kingdom | 2075949217 | SW7 2AZ | |
Solving the m-TSP Problem with Stochastic or Time Dependent Demands | Vehicle Routing | Michael | Schyns | 46 | We analyze TSP problems where travel times include variations of two natures. One type is a random variation due to accidents, weather conditions or any other random events. Another type of variation results from the hourly or seasonal cycles in the traffic volumes. This paper studies each one of these variations and shows that they can be solved through advanced implementations of the integer_L-shaped algorithm. | acc | 0 | 108 | University of Namur | | | | | Belgium | | | |
Solving the m-TSP Problem with Stochastic or Time Dependent Demands | Vehicle Routing | Francois | Louveaux | 46 | We analyze TSP problems where travel times include variations of two natures. One type is a random variation due to accidents, weather conditions or any other random events. Another type of variation results from the hourly or seasonal cycles in the traffic volumes. This paper studies each one of these variations and shows that they can be solved through advanced implementations of the integer_L-shaped algorithm. | acc | 1 | 107 | University of Namur | 8 Rempart de la Vierge | | Namur | | Belgium | -724913 | B-5000 | |
Hierarchical Aggregation Techniques for Estimating Value Functions for Dynamic Management of Multiattribute Resources | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Abraham | George | 48 | Dynamic routing and scheduling decisions can be improved if we consider the impact of decisions now on the future. Vehicles can have numerous attributes, which complicates the statistical problem of estimating the value of a vehicle in the future. We propose a hierarchical strategy for estimating the value of a vehicle simultaneously at different levels of aggregation. | acc | 0 | 111 | Princeton University | | | | | USA | | | |
Hierarchical Aggregation Techniques for Estimating Value Functions for Dynamic Management of Multiattribute Resources | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Warren | Powell | 48 | Dynamic routing and scheduling decisions can be improved if we consider the impact of decisions now on the future. Vehicles can have numerous attributes, which complicates the statistical problem of estimating the value of a vehicle in the future. We propose a hierarchical strategy for estimating the value of a vehicle simultaneously at different levels of aggregation. | acc | 1 | 110 | Princeton University | Dept of Operations Research and Fin Engg | | Princeton | NJ | USA | (609)258.5373 | 8544 | |
Impacts of Transportation Costs on Biodiversity: An Application in Forestry | Transport Economics and Pricing | Jeffrey | Arthur | 49 | Conservation plans are often developed without regard to transportation issues. This work explores the impact of transportation costs on biodiversity by linking regional economic models and a wildlife simulator via an optimization model of landowner behavior. Findings suggest omission can negatively impact species the conservation plan intends to promote. | acc | 0 | 113 | Oregon State University | | | | | USA | | | |
Impacts of Transportation Costs on Biodiversity: An Application in Forestry | Transport Economics and Pricing | Darek | Nalle | 49 | Conservation plans are often developed without regard to transportation issues. This work explores the impact of transportation costs on biodiversity by linking regional economic models and a wildlife simulator via an optimization model of landowner behavior. Findings suggest omission can negatively impact species the conservation plan intends to promote. | acc | 1 | 112 | University of Nevada | Department of Resource Economics | | Reno | Nevada | USA | 775-784-1679 | 89557 | |
Multi-objective optimization approach to optimal toll ring design | Transport Economics and Pricing | Agachai | Sumalee | 51 | This paper presents a meta-heuristic optimization algorithm for designing an optimal toll ring with multi-objectives taking into account user equilibrium condition. An approach based on Genetics Algorithm is developed and tested with the network of the Edinburgh city in UK. A special chromsome structure representing a toll ring following Sumalee (2004) is adopted within the optimization framework. Three objective functions are included in the test, social welfare, revenue, and equity impact (using Gini coefficient). | acc | 1 | 116 | Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds | 38 University road | | Leeds | | UK | ;44 (0) 113 3435345 | LS2 9JT | |
Road pricing problem including route choice and elastic demand-game theory approach | Transport Economics and Pricing | Michiel C.J. | Bliemer | 53 | In this paper we analyze a simple route choice problem with elastic demand where road pricing is introduced in a game theoretic framework. The main purpose of the paper was to gain more insight into the road pricing problem using different game concepts (monopoly, Stackleberg and Cournot game). | acc | 0 | 120 | Delft University of Technology | | | | | The Netherlands | | | |
Road pricing problem including route choice and elastic demand-game theory approach | Transport Economics and Pricing | Piet H.L. | Bovy | 53 | In this paper we analyze a simple route choice problem with elastic demand where road pricing is introduced in a game theoretic framework. The main purpose of the paper was to gain more insight into the road pricing problem using different game concepts (monopoly, Stackleberg and Cournot game). | acc | 0 | 121 | Delft University of Technology | | | | | The Netherlands | | | |
Road pricing problem including route choice and elastic demand-game theory approach | Transport Economics and Pricing | Dusica | Joksimovic | 53 | In this paper we analyze a simple route choice problem with elastic demand where road pricing is introduced in a game theoretic framework. The main purpose of the paper was to gain more insight into the road pricing problem using different game concepts (monopoly, Stackleberg and Cournot game). | acc | 1 | 119 | Delft University of Technology | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA | | Delft | | The Netherlands | -2785179 | 2600 GA | |
Updating O/D Matrices And Calibrating Link Cost Functions Jointly From Traffic Counts And Time Measurements | Network Assignment | Antonino | Vitetta | 54 | In this paper a model and a procedure for calibrating link cost functions and updating O/D matrices from traffic counts are proposed within the same method. The method can also be applied to calibrate link cost functions and a demand model (for example at route choice or modal split level). | acc | 0 | 123 | University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria | | | | | Italy | | | |
Updating O/D Matrices And Calibrating Link Cost Functions Jointly From Traffic Counts And Time Measurements | Network Assignment | Francesco | Russo | 54 | In this paper a model and a procedure for calibrating link cost functions and updating O/D matrices from traffic counts are proposed within the same method. The method can also be applied to calibrate link cost functions and a demand model (for example at route choice or modal split level). | acc | 1 | 122 | University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria | Facoltà di Ingegneria - DIMET | Feo di Vito | Reggio Calabria | | Italy | -876158 | 89100 | |
Infrastructure Assessment Of Urban Road Networks | Other | Stefan | Lorkowski | 55 | This paper describes a methodology to evaluate and compare vehicular traffic on complex urban road networks. It is focused on an integral assessment of whole urban nets trying to find quality criteria to be used by urban planers and infrastructure designers. Therefore, we aim to derive few simple but meaningful indicators usable in a generalized way. | acc | 0 | 125 | IVF/DLR | | | | | Germany | | | |
Infrastructure Assessment Of Urban Road Networks | Other | Ralf-Peter | Schäfer | 55 | This paper describes a methodology to evaluate and compare vehicular traffic on complex urban road networks. It is focused on an integral assessment of whole urban nets trying to find quality criteria to be used by urban planers and infrastructure designers. Therefore, we aim to derive few simple but meaningful indicators usable in a generalized way. | acc | 0 | 126 | IVF/DLR | | | | | Germany | | | |
Infrastructure Assessment Of Urban Road Networks | Other | Peter | Mieth | 55 | This paper describes a methodology to evaluate and compare vehicular traffic on complex urban road networks. It is focused on an integral assessment of whole urban nets trying to find quality criteria to be used by urban planers and infrastructure designers. Therefore, we aim to derive few simple but meaningful indicators usable in a generalized way. | acc | 1 | 124 | Institute of Transport Research / DLR | Rutherfordstr. 2 | | Berlin | | Germany | -197,9999756 | 12489 | |
A New Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Undirected m-Peripatetic Salesman Problem | Vehicle Routing | Frédéric | Semet | 56 | In the m-Peripatetic Salesman Problem(m-PSP) the aim is to determine m edge disjoint Hamiltonian cycles of minimum total cost on a graph. Our aim is to describe exact solution procedures for the undirected m-PSP with a general value of m. | acc | 0 | 128 | Université de Valenciennes | | | | | France | | | |
A New Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Undirected m-Peripatetic Salesman Problem | Vehicle Routing | Gilbert | Laporte | 56 | In the m-Peripatetic Salesman Problem(m-PSP) the aim is to determine m edge disjoint Hamiltonian cycles of minimum total cost on a graph. Our aim is to describe exact solution procedures for the undirected m-PSP with a general value of m. | acc | 0 | 129 | HEC Montréal | | | | | Canada | | | |
A New Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Undirected m-Peripatetic Salesman Problem | Vehicle Routing | Eric | Duchenne | 56 | In the m-Peripatetic Salesman Problem(m-PSP) the aim is to determine m edge disjoint Hamiltonian cycles of minimum total cost on a graph. Our aim is to describe exact solution procedures for the undirected m-PSP with a general value of m. | acc | 1 | 127 | Université de Valenciennes | Le Mont Houy | | Valenciennes | | France | 3327511945 | 59313 | |
A greedy heuristic method for tactical flight level assignment | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Rémy | Fondacci | 57 | We address the problem of assigning flight levels to aircraft so as to minimise conflict risk. The procedure presented consists of evaluating a conflict indicator relative to various assignments and of developing an approximated assignment algorithm. First results are presented, concerning notably the treatment of a typical traffic day over Europe. | acc | 0 | 131 | INRETS | | | | | France | | | |
A greedy heuristic method for tactical flight level assignment | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Olivier | Goldschmidt | 57 | We address the problem of assigning flight levels to aircraft so as to minimise conflict risk. The procedure presented consists of evaluating a conflict indicator relative to various assignments and of developing an approximated assignment algorithm. First results are presented, concerning notably the treatment of a typical traffic day over Europe. | acc | 0 | 132 | OPNET Technologies | | | | | USA | | | |
A greedy heuristic method for tactical flight level assignment | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Sophie | Constans | 57 | We address the problem of assigning flight levels to aircraft so as to minimise conflict risk. The procedure presented consists of evaluating a conflict indicator relative to various assignments and of developing an approximated assignment algorithm. First results are presented, concerning notably the treatment of a typical traffic day over Europe. | acc | 1 | 130 | INRETS | 25, av F. Mitterrand | | Bron | | France | ;33 4 72 14 25 47 | 69675 | |
The Cleaning Subproblem of Shunting Passenger Train Units | Rail Transportation | Leo | Kroon | 60 | In this talk, we will focus on the operations occurring at a railway station with a shunt yard, where train units will be temporarily parked. We will discuss the planning problem for such a station and look at a particular subproblem, namely the internal cleaning of train units. Computational results for this subproblem will be presented, as well as for its influence on other parts of this planning problem. | acc | 0 | 139 | Erasmus University Rotterdam | | | | | The Netherlands | | | |
The Cleaning Subproblem of Shunting Passenger Train Units | Rail Transportation | Ramon | Lentink | 60 | In this talk, we will focus on the operations occurring at a railway station with a shunt yard, where train units will be temporarily parked. We will discuss the planning problem for such a station and look at a particular subproblem, namely the internal cleaning of train units. Computational results for this subproblem will be presented, as well as for its influence on other parts of this planning problem. | acc | 1 | 138 | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Room F1-11, Burg. Oudlaan 50 | P.O. Box 1738 | Rotterdam | | The Netherlands | ;31 10 408 2212 | 3000 DR | |
An Origin-Destination approach to urban park pricing optimization | Transport Economics and Pricing | Luca | D'Acierno | 62 | In this paper we propose a model to optimize parking pricing that assumes variable fares for each Origin-Destination pair; this model is based on an objective function that is able to evaluate the effects of the pricing on the accessibilities and on modal split for each OD pair. | acc | 0 | 144 | "Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Trasporti - Università di Napoli ""Federico II""" | | | | | Italy | | | |
An Origin-Destination approach to urban park pricing optimization | Transport Economics and Pricing | Bruno | Montella | 62 | In this paper we propose a model to optimize parking pricing that assumes variable fares for each Origin-Destination pair; this model is based on an objective function that is able to evaluate the effects of the pricing on the accessibilities and on modal split for each OD pair. | acc | 0 | 145 | "Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Trasporti - Università di Napoli ""Federico II""" | | | | | Italy | | | |
An Origin-Destination approach to urban park pricing optimization | Transport Economics and Pricing | Mariano | Gallo | 62 | In this paper we propose a model to optimize parking pricing that assumes variable fares for each Origin-Destination pair; this model is based on an objective function that is able to evaluate the effects of the pricing on the accessibilities and on modal split for each OD pair. | acc | 1 | 143 | Dipartimento di Ingegneria - Università degli Studi del Sannio | Corso Garibaldi 107 | | Benevento | (BN) | Italy | 390 824 305 845 | 82100 | |
Strategic supply chain design and capacity planning at Elkem, ASA | Logistics Network Design | Roar | Roar Grønhaug | 63 | We developed an optimizer for supply chain design and product reallocation decisions at Elkem. The strategic planning model maximizes the discounted value of future sales while allocating production to plants in a cost minimizing way subject to a variety of constraints. We also discuss the challenges we faced in the modeling process and the organizational benefits and results. | acc | 0 | 147 | Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Te | | | | | Norway | | | |
Strategic supply chain design and capacity planning at Elkem, ASA | Logistics Network Design | Nina | Ulstein | 63 | We developed an optimizer for supply chain design and product reallocation decisions at Elkem. The strategic planning model maximizes the discounted value of future sales while allocating production to plants in a cost minimizing way subject to a variety of constraints. We also discuss the challenges we faced in the modeling process and the organizational benefits and results. | acc | 0 | 148 | Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Te | | | | | Norway | | | |
Strategic supply chain design and capacity planning at Elkem, ASA | Logistics Network Design | Marielle | Marielle Christiansen | 63 | We developed an optimizer for supply chain design and product reallocation decisions at Elkem. The strategic planning model maximizes the discounted value of future sales while allocating production to plants in a cost minimizing way subject to a variety of constraints. We also discuss the challenges we faced in the modeling process and the organizational benefits and results. | acc | 0 | 149 | Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Te | | | | | Norway | | | |
Strategic supply chain design and capacity planning at Elkem, ASA | Logistics Network Design | Marius | Solomon | 63 | We developed an optimizer for supply chain design and product reallocation decisions at Elkem. The strategic planning model maximizes the discounted value of future sales while allocating production to plants in a cost minimizing way subject to a variety of constraints. We also discuss the challenges we faced in the modeling process and the organizational benefits and results. | acc | 1 | 146 | Northeastern University | Department of Information, Operations, and Analysis, 314 Hayden Hall | 360 Huntington Avenue | Boston | MA | USA | (617) 373-5050 | 2115 | |
Scheduling arrivals and departures in a busy airport | Air Transportation | Ludovica | Adacher | 65 | With the increase in air traffic, airports are becoming a major bottleneck in Air Traffic Control operations. This paper deals with innovative sequencing procedures for managing arrivals and departures times for the aircrafts, in order to better exploit the existing infrastructure, while maintaining the current level of safety. | acc | 0 | 155 | Università Roma Tre | | | | | Italy | | | |
Scheduling arrivals and departures in a busy airport | Air Transportation | Danilo | Paluzzi | 65 | With the increase in air traffic, airports are becoming a major bottleneck in Air Traffic Control operations. This paper deals with innovative sequencing procedures for managing arrivals and departures times for the aircrafts, in order to better exploit the existing infrastructure, while maintaining the current level of safety. | acc | 0 | 156 | Università Roma Tre | | | | | Italy | | | |
Scheduling arrivals and departures in a busy airport | Air Transportation | Marco | Pranzo | 65 | With the increase in air traffic, airports are becoming a major bottleneck in Air Traffic Control operations. This paper deals with innovative sequencing procedures for managing arrivals and departures times for the aircrafts, in order to better exploit the existing infrastructure, while maintaining the current level of safety. | acc | 0 | 157 | Università Roma Tre | | | | | Italy | | | |
Scheduling arrivals and departures in a busy airport | Air Transportation | Dario | Pacciarelli | 65 | With the increase in air traffic, airports are becoming a major bottleneck in Air Traffic Control operations. This paper deals with innovative sequencing procedures for managing arrivals and departures times for the aircrafts, in order to better exploit the existing infrastructure, while maintaining the current level of safety. | acc | 1 | 154 | Università Roma Tre | Dipartimento di Informatica e Automazione | via della vasca navale, 79 | Roma | | Italy | 390 655 173 238 | 146 | |
New Refinements for the Solution of Vehicle Routing Problems with Column Generation | Vehicle Routing | Michel | Gendreau | 66 | We propose some new refinements at the subproblem phase of Column Generation. Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS) known in Constraint Programming (CP) is adapted to Dynamic Programming, a technique that simulate local search during label extension is presented and finally some lower bounds are introduced. | acc | 0 | 159 | CRT - Université de Montréal | | | | | Canada | | | |
New Refinements for the Solution of Vehicle Routing Problems with Column Generation | Vehicle Routing | Dominique | Feillet | 66 | We propose some new refinements at the subproblem phase of Column Generation. Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS) known in Constraint Programming (CP) is adapted to Dynamic Programming, a technique that simulate local search during label extension is presented and finally some lower bounds are introduced. | acc | 0 | 160 | Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon | | | | | France | | | |
New Refinements for the Solution of Vehicle Routing Problems with Column Generation | Vehicle Routing | Louis-Martin | Rousseau | 66 | We propose some new refinements at the subproblem phase of Column Generation. Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS) known in Constraint Programming (CP) is adapted to Dynamic Programming, a technique that simulate local search during label extension is presented and finally some lower bounds are introduced. | acc | 1 | 158 | CRT - École Polytechnique de Montreal | CP 6079 Succ Centre Ville | | Montréal | Québec | Canada | 514-340-4711 #4569 | H3C 3A7 | |
OPAL - Optimized Ambulance Logistics | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Peter | Varbrand | 67 | Ambulance logistics concerns the planning and control of a fleet of ambulances. Preparedness is a way of evaluating the ability to serve potential patients with ambulances in a swift and efficient manner. Here, quantitative measures for preparedness, and possible areas of use for them in decision support applications, are suggested. | acc | 0 | 162 | Linkoping University | | | | | Sweden | | | |
OPAL - Optimized Ambulance Logistics | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Sverker | Petersson | 67 | Ambulance logistics concerns the planning and control of a fleet of ambulances. Preparedness is a way of evaluating the ability to serve potential patients with ambulances in a swift and efficient manner. Here, quantitative measures for preparedness, and possible areas of use for them in decision support applications, are suggested. | acc | 0 | 163 | SOS Alarm AB | | | | | Sweden | | | |
OPAL - Optimized Ambulance Logistics | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Tobias | Andersson | 67 | Ambulance logistics concerns the planning and control of a fleet of ambulances. Preparedness is a way of evaluating the ability to serve potential patients with ambulances in a swift and efficient manner. Here, quantitative measures for preparedness, and possible areas of use for them in decision support applications, are suggested. | acc | 1 | 161 | Linkoping University | ITN / Campus Norrkoping | | Norrkoping | | Sweden | -363178 | SE-60174 | |
A dynamic car distribution model with multiple lagged information processes | Freight Transportation | Warren | Powell | 68 | We present a model and a solution algorithm for the car distribution problem in railway networks. The problem has to be solved in the presence of multiple information processes with lags between when information becomes known (the phone call) and when it becomes actionable (the car or order is available to be moved). | acc | 0 | 165 | Princeton University | | | | | USA | | | |
A dynamic car distribution model with multiple lagged information processes | Freight Transportation | Huseyin | Topaloglu | 68 | We present a model and a solution algorithm for the car distribution problem in railway networks. The problem has to be solved in the presence of multiple information processes with lags between when information becomes known (the phone call) and when it becomes actionable (the car or order is available to be moved). | acc | 0 | 166 | Cornell University | | | | | USA | | | |
A dynamic car distribution model with multiple lagged information processes | Freight Transportation | Belgacem | Bouzaiene-Ayari | 68 | We present a model and a solution algorithm for the car distribution problem in railway networks. The problem has to be solved in the presence of multiple information processes with lags between when information becomes known (the phone call) and when it becomes actionable (the car or order is available to be moved). | acc | 1 | 164 | Princeton University | Dept of Operations Res and Financial Engg | | Princeton | NJ | USA | (609)258-4971 | 8544 | |
Analysis Of Congested Networks | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Ronghui | Liu | 69 | This paper presents a fresh look at how demand and supply should be characterised in relation to travel on congested urban networks. A clear distinction between network performance measures and supply costs is made, and method developed to generate performance and supply costs in network simulation models. | acc | 1 | 167 | University of Leeds | Institute for Transport Studies | University of Leeds | Leeds | | U.K. | 441 133 435 338 | LS2 9JT | |
Co-operation in distribution networks | Freight Transportation | Manfred | Gronalt | 70 | In this talk we focus on co-operation - mediated by a logistics service provider - between producing firms in terms of goods distribution. We want to find answers to the following questions: Is it possible to create a win-win situation for all participants through co-operative distribution and how does information sharing influence the gains from co-operation? Is it necessary to have a centralised system with one partner as the leader? | acc | 0 | 169 | University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna | | | | | Austria | | | |
Co-operation in distribution networks | Freight Transportation | Marc | Reimann | 70 | In this talk we focus on co-operation - mediated by a logistics service provider - between producing firms in terms of goods distribution. We want to find answers to the following questions: Is it possible to create a win-win situation for all participants through co-operative distribution and how does information sharing influence the gains from co-operation? Is it necessary to have a centralised system with one partner as the leader? | acc | 1 | 168 | University of Vienna | BWZ, Bruennerstrasse 72 | | Vienna | | Austria | ;;43 1 4277 38096 | 1200 | |
Meta-heuristic approach for the hazmat shipment scheduling problem | Freight Transportation | Pasquale | Carotenuto | 71 | We propose a meta-heuristic algorithm to solve a scheduling model that addresses the hazmat transportation problem, in terms of route selection and starting time definition for a set of Hazmat transportation requests. The algorithm is evaluated on a set of realistic test problems also with respect to route length, and risk indexes. | acc | 0 | 171 | ITIA - CNR | | | | | Italy | | | |
Meta-heuristic approach for the hazmat shipment scheduling problem | Freight Transportation | Stefano | Giordani | 71 | We propose a meta-heuristic algorithm to solve a scheduling model that addresses the hazmat transportation problem, in terms of route selection and starting time definition for a set of Hazmat transportation requests. The algorithm is evaluated on a set of realistic test problems also with respect to route length, and risk indexes. | acc | 0 | 172 | Tor Vergata University | | | | | Italy | | | |
Meta-heuristic approach for the hazmat shipment scheduling problem | Freight Transportation | Silvia | Rismondo | 71 | We propose a meta-heuristic algorithm to solve a scheduling model that addresses the hazmat transportation problem, in terms of route selection and starting time definition for a set of Hazmat transportation requests. The algorithm is evaluated on a set of realistic test problems also with respect to route length, and risk indexes. | acc | 1 | 170 | ITIA - CNR | Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100 | | Rome | | Italy | 3,9065E;11 | 133 | |
Optimal Solutions for the Windy Rural Postman Problem by Branch and Cut | Vehicle Routing | Isaac | Plana | 72 | In this paper we present an exact algorithm for the Windy Rural Postman Problem. This problem generalizes many important Arc Routing Problems, and also has some interesting real-life applications. The Branch & Cut method presented here has been tested over sets of instances of large size. | acc | 0 | 174 | University of Valencia | | | | | SPAIN | | | |
Optimal Solutions for the Windy Rural Postman Problem by Branch and Cut | Vehicle Routing | Jose Maria | Sanchis | 72 | In this paper we present an exact algorithm for the Windy Rural Postman Problem. This problem generalizes many important Arc Routing Problems, and also has some interesting real-life applications. The Branch & Cut method presented here has been tested over sets of instances of large size. | acc | 0 | 175 | Politechnic University of Valencia | | | | | SPAIN | | | |
Optimal Solutions for the Windy Rural Postman Problem by Branch and Cut | Vehicle Routing | Angel | Corberan | 72 | In this paper we present an exact algorithm for the Windy Rural Postman Problem. This problem generalizes many important Arc Routing Problems, and also has some interesting real-life applications. The Branch & Cut method presented here has been tested over sets of instances of large size. | acc | 1 | 173 | Dept. of Statistics and O.R., University of Valencia | Avda. Dr. Moliner, 50 | | Burjassot | Valencia | SPAIN | 34963544306 | 46100 | |
The network design problem with elastic probit stochastic user equilibrium | Network Assignment | David | Watling | 74 | This paper aims to formulate and develop an algorithm to solve the Network Design Problem where the underlying traffic assignment model is probit-based Stochastic User Equilibrium. An extension to include the case of elastic demand is also presented. | acc | 0 | 182 | Inst for Transport Studies | | | | | UK | | | |
The network design problem with elastic probit stochastic user equilibrium | Network Assignment | Agachayo | Sumalee | 74 | This paper aims to formulate and develop an algorithm to solve the Network Design Problem where the underlying traffic assignment model is probit-based Stochastic User Equilibrium. An extension to include the case of elastic demand is also presented. | acc | 0 | 183 | Inst for Transport Studies | | | | | UK | | | |
The network design problem with elastic probit stochastic user equilibrium | Network Assignment | Richard | Connors | 74 | This paper aims to formulate and develop an algorithm to solve the Network Design Problem where the underlying traffic assignment model is probit-based Stochastic User Equilibrium. An extension to include the case of elastic demand is also presented. | acc | 1 | 181 | Inst. for Transport Studies | University of Leeds | | Leeds | | UK | 1133431799 | LS2 9JT | |
Strategic Network Design for Time Definite Trucking | Location | James | Campbell | 77 | Time definite trucking firms offer reliable scheduled service between major cities for small freight shipments. This presentation describes research using a parallel algorithm for strategic design of optimal networks for time definite trucking. Computational results are reported with a 64-processor cluster for data sets from the U.S. and Australia. | acc | 1 | 190 | University of Missouri - St. Louis | College of Business Administration | 8001 Natural Bridge Road | St. Louis | MO | USA | 314-516-6125 | 63121-4499 | |
Dynamic Slot Exchange Mechanisms in Air Traffic Management | Air Transportation | Thomas | Vossen | 78 | We interpret the compression algorithm, currently used in ground delay program planning, as a mediated 1-for-1 exchange mechanism. Based on this interpretation, we develop and analyze more general exchange procedures: a 2-for-2 mediated bartering model and a market mechanism that involves side-payments. In both cases, the mediator's problem involves the solution of an interesting integer program. | acc | 0 | 192 | University of Colorado | | | | | USA | | | |
Dynamic Slot Exchange Mechanisms in Air Traffic Management | Air Transportation | Michael | Ball | 78 | We interpret the compression algorithm, currently used in ground delay program planning, as a mediated 1-for-1 exchange mechanism. Based on this interpretation, we develop and analyze more general exchange procedures: a 2-for-2 mediated bartering model and a market mechanism that involves side-payments. In both cases, the mediator's problem involves the solution of an interesting integer program. | acc | 1 | 191 | University of Maryland | Robert H Smith School of Business | University of Maryland | College Park | MD | USA | 301-405-2227 | 20742 | |
A multi-source shortest path algorithm | Other | Stefano | Pallottino | 80 | In this paper we aim to show how it is convenient to simultaneously compute k shortest path trees (or a portion of them in case of lack of memory), by proposing a general approach, which we call multisource, that combines simplicity of the algorithm with its efficiency. | acc | 0 | 198 | Dep. of Computer Sciences University of Salerno | | | | | Italy | | | |
A multi-source shortest path algorithm | Other | Raffaele | Cerulli | 80 | In this paper we aim to show how it is convenient to simultaneously compute k shortest path trees (or a portion of them in case of lack of memory), by proposing a general approach, which we call multisource, that combines simplicity of the algorithm with its efficiency. | acc | 1 | 197 | Dep. of Computing and Mathematics University of Salerno | via S. Allende | | Baronissi (SA) | | Italy | 39 089 965 263 | 84081 | |
Random Neighborhood Selection for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows | Vehicle Routing | Raffaele | Cerulli | 81 | We propose a multi-neighborhood approach to solve VRPTW where a random selection of a neighborhood is carried out in order to give the same selection chance to any neighboring solution. We test our method on Solomon's instances obtaining competitive results compared with the best known results existing in the literature. | acc | 0 | 200 | Dep. of Computing and Mathematics University Salerno | | | | | Italy | | | |
Random Neighborhood Selection for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows | Vehicle Routing | Francesco | Carrabs | 81 | We propose a multi-neighborhood approach to solve VRPTW where a random selection of a neighborhood is carried out in order to give the same selection chance to any neighboring solution. We test our method on Solomon's instances obtaining competitive results compared with the best known results existing in the literature. | acc | 0 | 201 | Dep. of Computing Science University of Salerno | | | | | Italy | | | |
Random Neighborhood Selection for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows | Vehicle Routing | Monica | Gentili | 81 | We propose a multi-neighborhood approach to solve VRPTW where a random selection of a neighborhood is carried out in order to give the same selection chance to any neighboring solution. We test our method on Solomon's instances obtaining competitive results compared with the best known results existing in the literature. | acc | 1 | 199 | Dep. of Computing Sciences University of Salerno | via A. Allende | | Baronissi (SA) | | Italy | 39 089 965 263 | 84081 | |
Locating Image Sensors on Traffic Networks | Location | Pitu | Mirchandani | 82 | In this paper we address the problem of locating image sensors on the nodes of a network, where these sensors provide turning ratios at nodes. We focus on the development of location decision models on how many and where to locate image sensors to obtain information on path flow volumes. | acc | 0 | 203 | System and Industrial Engineering Department, University of Arizona | | | | | Tucson, USA | | | |
Locating Image Sensors on Traffic Networks | Location | Monica | Gentili | 82 | In this paper we address the problem of locating image sensors on the nodes of a network, where these sensors provide turning ratios at nodes. We focus on the development of location decision models on how many and where to locate image sensors to obtain information on path flow volumes. | acc | 1 | 202 | Dep. of Computing Science University of Salerno | via S. Allende | | Baronissi (SA) | | Italy | 39 089 965 263 | 84081 | |
Relations Between Tour Type and Transport Mode Choice: Proposition of Models Estimated by Mixed SP and RP Data | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Guzzo | Rosanna | 83 | SP techniques are been applied to investigate about the existing relationships among tour type (trip-tour or trip-chain) and transport mode. MNL mode choice models are been calibrated to analyse these relationships; in their functional form has been inserted a variable equal to the number of trip in the tour | acc | 0 | 205 | UNIVERSITY OF CALABRIA | | | | | ITALY | | | |
Relations Between Tour Type and Transport Mode Choice: Proposition of Models Estimated by Mixed SP and RP Data | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Mazzulla | Gabriella | 83 | SP techniques are been applied to investigate about the existing relationships among tour type (trip-tour or trip-chain) and transport mode. MNL mode choice models are been calibrated to analyse these relationships; in their functional form has been inserted a variable equal to the number of trip in the tour | acc | 1 | 204 | UNIVERSITY OF CALABRIA, ITALY | VIA P. BUCCI, CUBO 46B | | RENDE | COSENZA | ITALY | -497727 | 87036 | |
A Tour-Based Logistic Distribution Model | Freight Transportation | Franceso | Russo | 84 | This paper presents a tour-based model for the simulation of freight distribution. The models results in all the supplier-manufacturer demand flows and manufacturer-customer ones as well as referred to a fixed period of time, with the explicit simulation of all transfers occurring within the distribution channels considered. | acc | 0 | 207 | Russo | | | | | Italy | | | |
A Tour-Based Logistic Distribution Model | Freight Transportation | Armando | Cartenì | 84 | This paper presents a tour-based model for the simulation of freight distribution. The models results in all the supplier-manufacturer demand flows and manufacturer-customer ones as well as referred to a fixed period of time, with the explicit simulation of all transfers occurring within the distribution channels considered. | acc | 1 | 206 | "University of Naples ""Federico II""" | via Claudio 21 | | Naples | NA | Italy | - | 80128 | |
Heuristics for Rich VRP Models | Vehicle Routing | Oddvar | Kloster | 86 | We describe a rich VRP model and a corresponding uniform 3-phase heuristic resolution approach that uses a hybrid of VND and Iterated Local Search. Diverse solutions are generated through VLNS and restart. Hyper-heuristics are used in dynamic operator selection. Empirical investigations show good performance over a large variety of VRPs. | acc | 0 | 213 | SINTEF | | | | | Norway | | | |
Heuristics for Rich VRP Models | Vehicle Routing | Atle | Riise | 86 | We describe a rich VRP model and a corresponding uniform 3-phase heuristic resolution approach that uses a hybrid of VND and Iterated Local Search. Diverse solutions are generated through VLNS and restart. Hyper-heuristics are used in dynamic operator selection. Empirical investigations show good performance over a large variety of VRPs. | acc | 0 | 214 | SINTEF | | | | | Norway | | | |
Heuristics for Rich VRP Models | Vehicle Routing | Geir | Hasle | 86 | We describe a rich VRP model and a corresponding uniform 3-phase heuristic resolution approach that uses a hybrid of VND and Iterated Local Search. Diverse solutions are generated through VLNS and restart. Hyper-heuristics are used in dynamic operator selection. Empirical investigations show good performance over a large variety of VRPs. | acc | 1 | 212 | SINTEF | P.O. Box 124 Blindern | | Oslo | | Norway | ;47-22 06 78 87 | N-0314 | |
A Path Multilevel Cross Nested Logit model for route choice which allows implicit path enumeration | Network Assignment | Vittorio | Marzano | 87 | This paper proposes a path multilevel cross nested logit model for route choice. It satisfies the theoretical, numerical and operative requested properties. An implicit path enumeration algorithm is also presented. | acc | 0 | 216 | University of Naples | | | | | Italy | | | |
A Path Multilevel Cross Nested Logit model for route choice which allows implicit path enumeration | Network Assignment | Andrea | Papola | 87 | This paper proposes a path multilevel cross nested logit model for route choice. It satisfies the theoretical, numerical and operative requested properties. An implicit path enumeration algorithm is also presented. | acc | 1 | 215 | "University of Naples ""Federico II""" | Via Claudio, 21 | | Naples | | Italy | 3,90818E;11 | 80125 | |
Modelling and Solving the Intermodal Freight Service Network Timetabling Problem (IFSENT) | Freight Transportation | Michael Berliner | Pedersen | 89 | In this presentation we consider the possibilities for optimization of freight timetables in order to save transfer time by improved synchronization between the trip links in the service network. Furthermore, initial ideas for research on methods for dynamic timetabling will be presented. | acc | 0 | 220 | Technical University of Denmark | | | | | Denmark | | | |
Modelling and Solving the Intermodal Freight Service Network Timetabling Problem (IFSENT) | Freight Transportation | Allan | Larsen | 89 | In this presentation we consider the possibilities for optimization of freight timetables in order to save transfer time by improved synchronization between the trip links in the service network. Furthermore, initial ideas for research on methods for dynamic timetabling will be presented. | acc | 1 | 219 | Technical University of Denmark | Centre for Traffic and Transport, Building 115 | Bygningstorvet 1 | Kgs. Lyngby | | Denmark | 4 545 251 502 | DK-2800 | |
The On-Demand Tourist Paths Problem | Other | Teodor Gabriel | Crainic | 90 | The On-Demand Tourist Paths Problem determines personalized visit itineraries for tourists in artistic towns. A "desirability" score is associated to places of interest and activity type. The objective is to propose several path that maximize the score according to user-specified visit preferences. | acc | 0 | 222 | Univ. du Quebec a Montreal and C.R.T. | | | | | Canada | | | |
The On-Demand Tourist Paths Problem | Other | Giovanni | Storchi | 90 | The On-Demand Tourist Paths Problem determines personalized visit itineraries for tourists in artistic towns. A "desirability" score is associated to places of interest and activity type. The objective is to propose several path that maximize the score according to user-specified visit preferences. | acc | 0 | 223 | "Universita' degli Studi di Roma ""La Sapienza""" | | | | | Italia | | | |
The On-Demand Tourist Paths Problem | Other | Ricciardi | Nicoletta | 90 | The On-Demand Tourist Paths Problem determines personalized visit itineraries for tourists in artistic towns. A "desirability" score is associated to places of interest and activity type. The objective is to propose several path that maximize the score according to user-specified visit preferences. | acc | 1 | 221 | Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza | Dip. Statistica, Probabilita e Statistiche Applicate | Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 | Roma | | Italia | (;39) 0649910904 | 185 | |
Receding-horizon optimal control for container transfer in intermodal terminals | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Angelo | Alessandri | 91 | The problem of modelling and controlling transportation operations inside intermodal terminals is the objective of the present paper. More specifically, maritime container terminals are here considered, involving three kinds of transportation modes, namely, maritime, rail and road transport. In an intermodal port terminal, container traffic involves the following aspects: unloading operations of inbound containers, container storage inside the terminal, and, then, loading operations of outbound containers. Moreover, it is assumed that containers can also be worked on in dedicated areas inside the terminal. A simple model for the considered kind of container terminals is proposed in the paper. In the model, the position of containers and their movements inside the terminal are modelled by using buffers. The dynamic evolutions of such buffers are described by discrete-time equations, where the control variables take into account the utilization of terminal resources as load/unload capabilities and the available yard space. A receding horizon control scheme is also proposed for the considered class of systems. | acc | 0 | 225 | National Research Council | | | | | Italy | | | |
Receding-horizon optimal control for container transfer in intermodal terminals | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Silvia | Siri | 91 | The problem of modelling and controlling transportation operations inside intermodal terminals is the objective of the present paper. More specifically, maritime container terminals are here considered, involving three kinds of transportation modes, namely, maritime, rail and road transport. In an intermodal port terminal, container traffic involves the following aspects: unloading operations of inbound containers, container storage inside the terminal, and, then, loading operations of outbound containers. Moreover, it is assumed that containers can also be worked on in dedicated areas inside the terminal. A simple model for the considered kind of container terminals is proposed in the paper. In the model, the position of containers and their movements inside the terminal are modelled by using buffers. The dynamic evolutions of such buffers are described by discrete-time equations, where the control variables take into account the utilization of terminal resources as load/unload capabilities and the available yard space. A receding horizon control scheme is also proposed for the considered class of systems. | acc | 0 | 226 | University of Genova | | | | | Italy | | | |
Receding-horizon optimal control for container transfer in intermodal terminals | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Simona | Sacone | 91 | The problem of modelling and controlling transportation operations inside intermodal terminals is the objective of the present paper. More specifically, maritime container terminals are here considered, involving three kinds of transportation modes, namely, maritime, rail and road transport. In an intermodal port terminal, container traffic involves the following aspects: unloading operations of inbound containers, container storage inside the terminal, and, then, loading operations of outbound containers. Moreover, it is assumed that containers can also be worked on in dedicated areas inside the terminal. A simple model for the considered kind of container terminals is proposed in the paper. In the model, the position of containers and their movements inside the terminal are modelled by using buffers. The dynamic evolutions of such buffers are described by discrete-time equations, where the control variables take into account the utilization of terminal resources as load/unload capabilities and the available yard space. A receding horizon control scheme is also proposed for the considered class of systems. | acc | 1 | 224 | Dept. of Comm., Comp. & Syst. Sciences, Univ. of Genova | Via Opera Pia 13 | | Genova | | Italy | -3536522 | I16145 | |
Operational Support for Regional LTL Carriers | Freight Transportation | Martin | Savelsbergh | 93 | We develop daily operational planning decision support methodology for regional less-than-truckload (LTL) carriers, a segment of the trucking industry focused on fast, reliable transport. We describe three integer programming models that determine in sequence: (1) freight routing, (2) trailer assignment and dispatch timing, and (3) driver assignment. A key modeling issue is the dynamic planning of daily meet-and-turn locations. Computational results indicate that the developed approaches are promising. | acc | 0 | 230 | Georgia Institute of Technology | | | | | USA | | | |
Operational Support for Regional LTL Carriers | Freight Transportation | Prashant | Warier | 93 | We develop daily operational planning decision support methodology for regional less-than-truckload (LTL) carriers, a segment of the trucking industry focused on fast, reliable transport. We describe three integer programming models that determine in sequence: (1) freight routing, (2) trailer assignment and dispatch timing, and (3) driver assignment. A key modeling issue is the dynamic planning of daily meet-and-turn locations. Computational results indicate that the developed approaches are promising. | acc | 0 | 231 | Georgia Institute of Technology | | | | | USA | | | |
Operational Support for Regional LTL Carriers | Freight Transportation | Alan | Erera | 93 | We develop daily operational planning decision support methodology for regional less-than-truckload (LTL) carriers, a segment of the trucking industry focused on fast, reliable transport. We describe three integer programming models that determine in sequence: (1) freight routing, (2) trailer assignment and dispatch timing, and (3) driver assignment. A key modeling issue is the dynamic planning of daily meet-and-turn locations. Computational results indicate that the developed approaches are promising. | acc | 1 | 229 | Georgia Institute of Technology | School of Industrial and Systems Eng | | Atlanta | GA | USA | 404-385-0358 | 30306 | |
Rethinking the wait model at transit stops | Public Transportation | Carolina | Billi | 96 | In a transit network with common lines in which passengers perceive the service in terms of frequencies, the classical behavioural paradigm is to board the first arriving carrier among the lines which are perceived to be attractive. The attractive set is usually assumed as static, i.e. it is not modified during the wait. Indeed, when the service benefits from some degree of regularity, passengers decide whether to board an arriving carrier by taking into account the time already waited at the stop; this yields a dynamic attractive set model. | acc | 0 | 237 | Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica | | | | | Italy | | | |
Rethinking the wait model at transit stops | Public Transportation | Sang | Nguyen | 96 | In a transit network with common lines in which passengers perceive the service in terms of frequencies, the classical behavioural paradigm is to board the first arriving carrier among the lines which are perceived to be attractive. The attractive set is usually assumed as static, i.e. it is not modified during the wait. Indeed, when the service benefits from some degree of regularity, passengers decide whether to board an arriving carrier by taking into account the time already waited at the stop; this yields a dynamic attractive set model. | acc | 0 | 238 | Université de Montréal, Département d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle | | | | | Canada | | | |
Rethinking the wait model at transit stops | Public Transportation | Stefano | Pallottino | 96 | In a transit network with common lines in which passengers perceive the service in terms of frequencies, the classical behavioural paradigm is to board the first arriving carrier among the lines which are perceived to be attractive. The attractive set is usually assumed as static, i.e. it is not modified during the wait. Indeed, when the service benefits from some degree of regularity, passengers decide whether to board an arriving carrier by taking into account the time already waited at the stop; this yields a dynamic attractive set model. | acc | 0 | 239 | Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica | | | | | Italy | | | |
Rethinking the wait model at transit stops | Public Transportation | Guido | Gentile | 96 | In a transit network with common lines in which passengers perceive the service in terms of frequencies, the classical behavioural paradigm is to board the first arriving carrier among the lines which are perceived to be attractive. The attractive set is usually assumed as static, i.e. it is not modified during the wait. Indeed, when the service benefits from some degree of regularity, passengers decide whether to board an arriving carrier by taking into account the time already waited at the stop; this yields a dynamic attractive set model. | acc | 1 | 236 | "Università degli Studi di Roma ""La Sapienza"", Dipartimento di Idraulica Trasporti e Strade" | Via Eudossiana, 18 | | Rome | | Italy | 644 585 737 | 184 | |
Leveraging Traffic Flow Modeling and Game Theory for Pricing and Logistical Systems | Transport Economics and Pricing | Georgia | Perakis | 97 | In this paper, we propose a delay-based model of dynamic pricing and inventory control for make-to-stock logistical and supply chain systems. We establish existence of Nash equilibrium production and pricing policies. We propose a discretized iterative relaxation algorithm for computing equilibrium policies efficiently. | acc | 0 | 241 | MIT | | | | | USA | | | |
Leveraging Traffic Flow Modeling and Game Theory for Pricing and Logistical Systems | Transport Economics and Pricing | Soulaymane | Kachani | 97 | In this paper, we propose a delay-based model of dynamic pricing and inventory control for make-to-stock logistical and supply chain systems. We establish existence of Nash equilibrium production and pricing policies. We propose a discretized iterative relaxation algorithm for computing equilibrium policies efficiently. | acc | 1 | 240 | Columbia University | IEOR Department Columbia University | 500 W. 120th Street | New York City | NY | USA | 617-6699069 | 10027 | |
Models of the Spiral-Down Effect in Revenue Management | Air Transportation | William | Cooper | 98 | The spiral-down effect occurs when incorrect assumptions about customer behavior cause high-fare ticket sales, protection levels, and revenues to systematically decrease over time. If an airline decides how many seats to protect for sale as high-fare tickets based on past high-fare sales, while neglecting to account for the fact that availability of low-fare tickets will reduce high-fare sales, then high-fare sales will decrease, resulting in lower future estimates of high-fare demand, and subsequently lower protection levels for high-fare tickets and greater availability of low-fare tickets. The pattern continues, resulting in the spiralling down of high-fare sales and revenues. | acc | 0 | 243 | University of Minnesota | | | | | USA | | | |
Models of the Spiral-Down Effect in Revenue Management | Air Transportation | Anton | Kleywegt | 98 | The spiral-down effect occurs when incorrect assumptions about customer behavior cause high-fare ticket sales, protection levels, and revenues to systematically decrease over time. If an airline decides how many seats to protect for sale as high-fare tickets based on past high-fare sales, while neglecting to account for the fact that availability of low-fare tickets will reduce high-fare sales, then high-fare sales will decrease, resulting in lower future estimates of high-fare demand, and subsequently lower protection levels for high-fare tickets and greater availability of low-fare tickets. The pattern continues, resulting in the spiralling down of high-fare sales and revenues. | acc | 1 | 242 | Georgia Institute of Technology | School of Industrial and Systems Engineering | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta | Georgia | USA | (404)894-4323 | 30332-0205 | |
Assigning lanes to dedicated fleet in a white goods distribution network | Freight Transportation | Fabiano | Stringher | 99 | An optimization problem regarding the assignment of truckload lanes to a dedicated fleet to minimize transportation costs in a network is presented. These lanes are aggregated to form closed cycles to guarantee more efficient, continuous moving. The method is applied to the distribution of a white goods manufacturer in Brazil. | acc | 0 | 245 | University of Sao Paulo - Logistics Systems Program | | | | | Brazil | | | |
Assigning lanes to dedicated fleet in a white goods distribution network | Freight Transportation | Hugo | Yoshizaki | 99 | An optimization problem regarding the assignment of truckload lanes to a dedicated fleet to minimize transportation costs in a network is presented. These lanes are aggregated to form closed cycles to guarantee more efficient, continuous moving. The method is applied to the distribution of a white goods manufacturer in Brazil. | acc | 1 | 244 | University of Sao Paulo | R Corinto 739 Apt 74A | | Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil | 5511-3091-5450 | 05586-060 | |
INDY: a new analytical multiclass dynamic traffic assignment model | Network Assignment | Erik | Versteegt | 100 | INDY is a new path-based DTA model that uses an analytical dynamic network loading procedure taking multiple vehicle and driver types into account. It is shown that it is feasible to solve the DTA problem for large networks, as presented in a case study of the national network of The Netherlands. | acc | 0 | 247 | TNO Inro | | | | | The Netherlands | | | |
INDY: a new analytical multiclass dynamic traffic assignment model | Network Assignment | Ronald | Castenmiller | 100 | INDY is a new path-based DTA model that uses an analytical dynamic network loading procedure taking multiple vehicle and driver types into account. It is shown that it is feasible to solve the DTA problem for large networks, as presented in a case study of the national network of The Netherlands. | acc | 0 | 248 | TNO-FEL | | | | | The Netherlands | | | |
INDY: a new analytical multiclass dynamic traffic assignment model | Network Assignment | Michiel | Bliemer | 100 | INDY is a new path-based DTA model that uses an analytical dynamic network loading procedure taking multiple vehicle and driver types into account. It is shown that it is feasible to solve the DTA problem for large networks, as presented in a case study of the national network of The Netherlands. | acc | 1 | 246 | Delft University of Technology | Faculty of Civil Eng. & Geosciences | Transportation & Planning Section, P.O. Box 5048 | Delft | | The Netherlands | ;31.15.2784874 | 2600 GA | |
An Expression of Long Term Demand Uncertainty for the Robust Traffic Equilibrium Problem | Network Assignment | Travis | Waller | 101 | This research addresses the impact on the network design decisions by taking into account the long-term uncertainty in demand. We provide closed form expressions for the expected and variance of the system cost for the traffic assignment problem when the demand is assumed to be a normal random variable. The derivation of the expressions will be provided and simple insights from these results will be demonstrated. | acc | 0 | 250 | Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Austin | | | | | USA | | | |
An Expression of Long Term Demand Uncertainty for the Robust Traffic Equilibrium Problem | Network Assignment | Satish | Ukkusuri | 101 | This research addresses the impact on the network design decisions by taking into account the long-term uncertainty in demand. We provide closed form expressions for the expected and variance of the system cost for the traffic assignment problem when the demand is assumed to be a normal random variable. The derivation of the expressions will be provided and simple insights from these results will be demonstrated. | acc | 1 | 249 | Doctoral Student, The University of Texas at Austin | 6.202 ECJ Hall, | Department of Civil Engineering | Austin | TX | USA | (512) 771 4951 | 78712 | |
Robust and flexible vehicle routing in practical situations | Vehicle Routing | Marc | Sevaux | 105 | This paper presents a new technique for finding robust and flexible vehicle routing solutions in practical situations, combining the optimisation power of metaheuristics with a sampling-based approach to evaluating the robustness and flexibility of a solution. This approach overcomes the main limitations of most current methods. Using experiments, we show that the method is versatile and capable of handling practical real-life stochastic optimisation problems. | acc | 0 | 259 | LAMIH-SP, University of Valenciennes | | | | | France | | | |
Robust and flexible vehicle routing in practical situations | Vehicle Routing | Kenneth | Sörensen | 105 | This paper presents a new technique for finding robust and flexible vehicle routing solutions in practical situations, combining the optimisation power of metaheuristics with a sampling-based approach to evaluating the robustness and flexibility of a solution. This approach overcomes the main limitations of most current methods. Using experiments, we show that the method is versatile and capable of handling practical real-life stochastic optimisation problems. | acc | 1 | 258 | University of Antwerp | Prinsstraat 13 | | Antwerp | | Belgium | ;32 3 220 40 49 | 2000 | |
FlowOpt : a flexible decision support tool for strategic and tactical logistic planning in forestry | Logistics Network Design | Mattias | Forsberg | 106 | We describe an OR based decision support system that is used to make integrated transportation planning in forestry where both trucks and trains are used. It is used to make both strategic and tactical decisions and analysis. We report on a case study carried out at a Swedish forest company. | acc | 0 | 261 | The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden | | | | | Sweden | | | |
FlowOpt : a flexible decision support tool for strategic and tactical logistic planning in forestry | Logistics Network Design | Mikael | Rönnqvist | 106 | We describe an OR based decision support system that is used to make integrated transportation planning in forestry where both trucks and trains are used. It is used to make both strategic and tactical decisions and analysis. We report on a case study carried out at a Swedish forest company. | acc | 1 | 260 | Division of Optimization | Linköping University | | Linköping | | Sweden | ;46 13 285756 | SE-58183 | |
Efficient Local Search for CVRP, Move Decomposition and Sequential Search | Vehicle Routing | Tore | Grünert | 107 | This paper introduces new local search techniques applicable to well-known neighborhoods of the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). These techniques are sequential search and indirect search techniques, which are based on the decomposition of moves into so-called partial moves. The superiority of the proposed search techniques over straightforward approaches is essential for solving large-scale CVRP. We observed speedups by factors between 10 and 200. | acc | 0 | 263 | RWTH Aachen | | | | | Germany | | | |
Efficient Local Search for CVRP, Move Decomposition and Sequential Search | Vehicle Routing | Birger | Funke | 107 | This paper introduces new local search techniques applicable to well-known neighborhoods of the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). These techniques are sequential search and indirect search techniques, which are based on the decomposition of moves into so-called partial moves. The superiority of the proposed search techniques over straightforward approaches is essential for solving large-scale CVRP. We observed speedups by factors between 10 and 200. | acc | 0 | 264 | GTS Systems and Consulting | | | | | Germany | | | |
Efficient Local Search for CVRP, Move Decomposition and Sequential Search | Vehicle Routing | Stefan | Irnich | 107 | This paper introduces new local search techniques applicable to well-known neighborhoods of the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). These techniques are sequential search and indirect search techniques, which are based on the decomposition of moves into so-called partial moves. The superiority of the proposed search techniques over straightforward approaches is essential for solving large-scale CVRP. We observed speedups by factors between 10 and 200. | acc | 1 | 262 | RWTH Aachen University | Templergraben 64 | 52062 Aachen, Germany | Aachen | | Germany | 492 418 096 192 | D-52062 | |
Finding Spatially Dissimilar Paths for HazMat Shipments | Freight Transportation | Pasquale | Carotenuto | 108 | We study the problem of finding hazmat road transportation paths minimizing both the whole risk of hazmat shipments and the total transportation cost, meanwhile guaranteeing a certain level of risk equity over the population. The problem is heuristically solved, and the proposed model and algorithm are evaluated on realistic problem instances. | acc | 0 | 266 | ITIA - CNR | | | | | Italy | | | |
Finding Spatially Dissimilar Paths for HazMat Shipments | Freight Transportation | Stefano | Giordani | 108 | We study the problem of finding hazmat road transportation paths minimizing both the whole risk of hazmat shipments and the total transportation cost, meanwhile guaranteeing a certain level of risk equity over the population. The problem is heuristically solved, and the proposed model and algorithm are evaluated on realistic problem instances. | acc | 0 | 267 | "DISP - University of Rome ""Tor Vergata""" | | | | | Italy | | | |
Finding Spatially Dissimilar Paths for HazMat Shipments | Freight Transportation | Salvatore | Ricciardelli | 108 | We study the problem of finding hazmat road transportation paths minimizing both the whole risk of hazmat shipments and the total transportation cost, meanwhile guaranteeing a certain level of risk equity over the population. The problem is heuristically solved, and the proposed model and algorithm are evaluated on realistic problem instances. | acc | 0 | 268 | "DISP - University of Rome ""Tor Vergata""" | | | | | Italy | | | |
Finding Spatially Dissimilar Paths for HazMat Shipments | Freight Transportation | Graziano | Galiano | 108 | We study the problem of finding hazmat road transportation paths minimizing both the whole risk of hazmat shipments and the total transportation cost, meanwhile guaranteeing a certain level of risk equity over the population. The problem is heuristically solved, and the proposed model and algorithm are evaluated on realistic problem instances. | acc | 1 | 265 | ITIA - CNR | Dalla Chiesa 7 | | Baronissi | Salerno | Italy | 3,93405E;11 | 84081 | |
Integration of information provision in large-scale traffic simulations | ITS and Advanced Technologies | André | de Palma | 109 | Study of recurrent and non-recurrent congestion in transportation networks. Simulations of stochastic travel conditions using mesoscopic car traffic simulations (METROPOLIS) on large-scale networks. Within-day and day-to-day dynamics. Estimation of the utility loss due to uncertainty and of the expected benefit of ATIS. | acc | 0 | 270 | THEMA, Universite de Cergy-Pontoise | | | | | FRANCE | | | |
Integration of information provision in large-scale traffic simulations | ITS and Advanced Technologies | Fabrice | Marchal | 109 | Study of recurrent and non-recurrent congestion in transportation networks. Simulations of stochastic travel conditions using mesoscopic car traffic simulations (METROPOLIS) on large-scale networks. Within-day and day-to-day dynamics. Estimation of the utility loss due to uncertainty and of the expected benefit of ATIS. | acc | 1 | 269 | CoLab - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich | ETHZ - HRS Zentrum | Hirschengraben 84 | ZURICH | | SWITZERLAND | 4416325679 | CH-8092 | |
Challenges and Trends in Ship Routing and Scheduling | Freight Transportation | Kjetil | Fagerholt | 110 | We present some trends regarding future developments and use of optimization-based decision-support systems for ship routing and scheduling. Several of the trends indicate both accelerating needs for and benefits from such systems. In addition, we present related challenges and discuss some experiences from developing such systems for the shipping industry. | acc | 0 | 272 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | | | | | Norway | | | |
Challenges and Trends in Ship Routing and Scheduling | Freight Transportation | David | Ronen | 110 | We present some trends regarding future developments and use of optimization-based decision-support systems for ship routing and scheduling. Several of the trends indicate both accelerating needs for and benefits from such systems. In addition, we present related challenges and discuss some experiences from developing such systems for the shipping industry. | acc | 0 | 273 | University of Missouri-St. Louis | | | | | USA | | | |
Challenges and Trends in Ship Routing and Scheduling | Freight Transportation | Marielle | Christiansen | 110 | We present some trends regarding future developments and use of optimization-based decision-support systems for ship routing and scheduling. Several of the trends indicate both accelerating needs for and benefits from such systems. In addition, we present related challenges and discuss some experiences from developing such systems for the shipping industry. | acc | 1 | 271 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Alfred Getz vei 1 | | Trondheim | | Norway | -73593555 | N-7491 | |
A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Ship Scheduling: A Computational Study | Freight Transportation | Marielle | Christiansen | 111 | We present a variable neighborhood search heuristic for a typical ship scheduling problem. A Set Partitioning method is used to evaluate the heuristic performance. The algorithms are tested on several real cases from the shipping industry. The computational study indicates that the heuristic produces near-optimal solutions in limited computation time. | acc | 0 | 275 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | | | | | Norway | | | |
A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Ship Scheduling: A Computational Study | Freight Transportation | Kjetil | Fagerholt | 111 | We present a variable neighborhood search heuristic for a typical ship scheduling problem. A Set Partitioning method is used to evaluate the heuristic performance. The algorithms are tested on several real cases from the shipping industry. The computational study indicates that the heuristic produces near-optimal solutions in limited computation time. | acc | 0 | 276 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | | | | | Norway | | | |
A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Ship Scheduling: A Computational Study | Freight Transportation | Bjorn | Nygreen | 111 | We present a variable neighborhood search heuristic for a typical ship scheduling problem. A Set Partitioning method is used to evaluate the heuristic performance. The algorithms are tested on several real cases from the shipping industry. The computational study indicates that the heuristic produces near-optimal solutions in limited computation time. | acc | 0 | 277 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | | | | | Norway | | | |
A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Ship Scheduling: A Computational Study | Freight Transportation | Geir | Bronmo | 111 | We present a variable neighborhood search heuristic for a typical ship scheduling problem. A Set Partitioning method is used to evaluate the heuristic performance. The algorithms are tested on several real cases from the shipping industry. The computational study indicates that the heuristic produces near-optimal solutions in limited computation time. | acc | 1 | 274 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | IØT, NTNU | | Trondheim | | Norway | 4 773 938 755 | N-7491 | |
A particular vehicle routing problem arising in the collection and disposal of special waste | Vehicle Routing | Roberto | Aringhieri | 112 | In this paper we consider a particular pick-up and delivery vehicle routing problem, with unit vehicle capacity and possible compatibility constraints between consecutive operations. The problem arises in the collection and disposal of bulky recyclable waste, where bins of different types, used to collect different waste materials, must be picked-up to be emptied at suitable disposal plants and replaced by empty bins alike. Disposal plants depend on the material and are located in different sites. Here we provide a graph model based on an Asymmetric Vehicle Routing formulation and discuss heuristic algorithms. Preliminary computational results obtained on real data are reported. | acc | 0 | 279 | DTI - Università di Milano | | | | | Italy | | | |
A particular vehicle routing problem arising in the collection and disposal of special waste | Vehicle Routing | Maurizio | Bruglieri | 112 | In this paper we consider a particular pick-up and delivery vehicle routing problem, with unit vehicle capacity and possible compatibility constraints between consecutive operations. The problem arises in the collection and disposal of bulky recyclable waste, where bins of different types, used to collect different waste materials, must be picked-up to be emptied at suitable disposal plants and replaced by empty bins alike. Disposal plants depend on the material and are located in different sites. Here we provide a graph model based on an Asymmetric Vehicle Routing formulation and discuss heuristic algorithms. Preliminary computational results obtained on real data are reported. | acc | 0 | 280 | DEI - Politecnico di Milano | | | | | Italy | | | |
A particular vehicle routing problem arising in the collection and disposal of special waste | Vehicle Routing | Maddalena | Nonato | 112 | In this paper we consider a particular pick-up and delivery vehicle routing problem, with unit vehicle capacity and possible compatibility constraints between consecutive operations. The problem arises in the collection and disposal of bulky recyclable waste, where bins of different types, used to collect different waste materials, must be picked-up to be emptied at suitable disposal plants and replaced by empty bins alike. Disposal plants depend on the material and are located in different sites. Here we provide a graph model based on an Asymmetric Vehicle Routing formulation and discuss heuristic algorithms. Preliminary computational results obtained on real data are reported. | acc | 0 | 281 | Dip. Ingegneria - Università di Ferrara | | | | | Italy | | | |
A particular vehicle routing problem arising in the collection and disposal of special waste | Vehicle Routing | Federico | Malucelli | 112 | In this paper we consider a particular pick-up and delivery vehicle routing problem, with unit vehicle capacity and possible compatibility constraints between consecutive operations. The problem arises in the collection and disposal of bulky recyclable waste, where bins of different types, used to collect different waste materials, must be picked-up to be emptied at suitable disposal plants and replaced by empty bins alike. Disposal plants depend on the material and are located in different sites. Here we provide a graph model based on an Asymmetric Vehicle Routing formulation and discuss heuristic algorithms. Preliminary computational results obtained on real data are reported. | acc | 1 | 278 | DEI - Politecnico di Milano | Piazza L. da Vinci 32 | | Milano | | ITALY | -23993423 | 20133 | |
Data Fusion Technique in the Context of Traffic State Estimation | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Irina | Matschke | 116 | This paper shows a new methodology for online traffic state estimation. On intersection level data fusion techniques are applied to combine detected flow data and information on the signal timing to generate information on turning movements, queue lengths, delay and flow. On network level the enhanced data then is basis to improve the OD-estimation. | acc | 0 | 288 | University Hannover | | | | | Germany | | | |
Data Fusion Technique in the Context of Traffic State Estimation | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Karsten | Heinig | 116 | This paper shows a new methodology for online traffic state estimation. On intersection level data fusion techniques are applied to combine detected flow data and information on the signal timing to generate information on turning movements, queue lengths, delay and flow. On network level the enhanced data then is basis to improve the OD-estimation. | acc | 0 | 289 | University Hannover | | | | | Germany | | | |
Data Fusion Technique in the Context of Traffic State Estimation | Real Time Operations and Control of Transportation Networks | Bernhard | Friedrich | 116 | This paper shows a new methodology for online traffic state estimation. On intersection level data fusion techniques are applied to combine detected flow data and information on the signal timing to generate information on turning movements, queue lengths, delay and flow. On network level the enhanced data then is basis to improve the OD-estimation. | acc | 1 | 287 | University Hannover | Appelstrasse 9A | | Hannover | | Germany | 495 117 622 283 | 30167 | |
Spillback modelling in dynamic traffic assignment using implicit path enumeration | Network Assignment | Giuseppe | Bellei | 117 | A new continuous formulation of Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA), where a user equilibrium is expressed as a fixed point problem in terms of turning flow temporal profiles, is proposed. The aim of the paper is to integrate spillback modelling into an existing formulation of DTA, based on implicit path enumeration, which is capable of representing explicitly the formation and dispersion of vehicle queues on the road network, but allows the queue length to overcome the arc length. To achieve this extension we introduce a sequence of models describing, for given turning flow temporal profiles, the dynamic of the network nodes and arcs, and capable of representing the propagation of congestion among contiguous road links. | acc | 0 | 292 | "Università di Roma ""La Sapienza"", Dipartimento di Idraulica Trasporti e Strade" | | | | | Italy | | | |
Spillback modelling in dynamic traffic assignment using implicit path enumeration | Network Assignment | Guido | Gentile | 117 | A new continuous formulation of Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA), where a user equilibrium is expressed as a fixed point problem in terms of turning flow temporal profiles, is proposed. The aim of the paper is to integrate spillback modelling into an existing formulation of DTA, based on implicit path enumeration, which is capable of representing explicitly the formation and dispersion of vehicle queues on the road network, but allows the queue length to overcome the arc length. To achieve this extension we introduce a sequence of models describing, for given turning flow temporal profiles, the dynamic of the network nodes and arcs, and capable of representing the propagation of congestion among contiguous road links. | acc | 0 | 293 | "Università di Roma ""La Sapienza"", Dipartimento di Idraulica Trasporti e Strade" | | | | | Italy | | | |
Spillback modelling in dynamic traffic assignment using implicit path enumeration | Network Assignment | Natale | Papola | 117 | A new continuous formulation of Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA), where a user equilibrium is expressed as a fixed point problem in terms of turning flow temporal profiles, is proposed. The aim of the paper is to integrate spillback modelling into an existing formulation of DTA, based on implicit path enumeration, which is capable of representing explicitly the formation and dispersion of vehicle queues on the road network, but allows the queue length to overcome the arc length. To achieve this extension we introduce a sequence of models describing, for given turning flow temporal profiles, the dynamic of the network nodes and arcs, and capable of representing the propagation of congestion among contiguous road links. | acc | 0 | 294 | "Università di Roma ""La Sapienza"", Dipartimento di Idraulica Trasporti e Strade" | | | | | Italy | | | |
Spillback modelling in dynamic traffic assignment using implicit path enumeration | Network Assignment | Lorenzo | Meschini | 117 | A new continuous formulation of Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA), where a user equilibrium is expressed as a fixed point problem in terms of turning flow temporal profiles, is proposed. The aim of the paper is to integrate spillback modelling into an existing formulation of DTA, based on implicit path enumeration, which is capable of representing explicitly the formation and dispersion of vehicle queues on the road network, but allows the queue length to overcome the arc length. To achieve this extension we introduce a sequence of models describing, for given turning flow temporal profiles, the dynamic of the network nodes and arcs, and capable of representing the propagation of congestion among contiguous road links. | acc | 1 | 291 | "Università degli Studi di Roma ""La Sapienza"", Dipartimento di Idraulica Trasporti e Strade" | Via Eudossiana, 18 | | Rome | | Italy | 644 585 737 | 184 | |
A Probabilistic Two-Day Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem | Vehicle Routing | Walter | Gutjahr | 118 | A Probabilistic Two-Day Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem This talk has been motivated by the study of a real-world application on blood delivery from a central blood bank to hospitals. The blood delivery organization is investigating the possibility to provide two different types of service (with different selling prices): one which delivers the blood within one day and the other within two days. This problem can be modelled as a probabilistic two-day delivery Vehicle Routing Problem and it is solved by metaheuristics. | acc | 0 | 296 | University of Vienna | | | | | Austria | | | |
A Probabilistic Two-Day Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem | Vehicle Routing | Richard | Hartl | 118 | A Probabilistic Two-Day Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem This talk has been motivated by the study of a real-world application on blood delivery from a central blood bank to hospitals. The blood delivery organization is investigating the possibility to provide two different types of service (with different selling prices): one which delivers the blood within one day and the other within two days. This problem can be modelled as a probabilistic two-day delivery Vehicle Routing Problem and it is solved by metaheuristics. | acc | 0 | 297 | University of Vienna | | | | | Austria | | | |
A Probabilistic Two-Day Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem | Vehicle Routing | Guglielmo | Lulli | 118 | A Probabilistic Two-Day Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem This talk has been motivated by the study of a real-world application on blood delivery from a central blood bank to hospitals. The blood delivery organization is investigating the possibility to provide two different types of service (with different selling prices): one which delivers the blood within one day and the other within two days. This problem can be modelled as a probabilistic two-day delivery Vehicle Routing Problem and it is solved by metaheuristics. | acc | 0 | 298 | University of Padova | | | | | Italy | | | |
A Probabilistic Two-Day Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem | Vehicle Routing | Karl | Doerner | 118 | A Probabilistic Two-Day Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem This talk has been motivated by the study of a real-world application on blood delivery from a central blood bank to hospitals. The blood delivery organization is investigating the possibility to provide two different types of service (with different selling prices): one which delivers the blood within one day and the other within two days. This problem can be modelled as a probabilistic two-day delivery Vehicle Routing Problem and it is solved by metaheuristics. | acc | 1 | 295 | University of Vienna | Bruenner Strasse 72 | | Vienna | | AUSTRIA | 431 427 738 113 | 1210 | |
Experiences with Simulation-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment on Real-World Networks | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Michael | Florian | 119 | While increasing levels of congestion are at odds with some fundamental assumptions underlying static assignment models, modern traffic management and control methods are requiring models that are more detailed in their representation of the network infrastructure and traffic flow phenomena. This paper reports on some real-world applications of an iterative dynamic traffic assignment model that uses an original traffic simulation model for computing path travel times, and the method of successive averages for computing the time-dependent assignment. | acc | 0 | 300 | C.R.T., University of Montreal, and INRO Consultants Inc., Montreal | | | | | Canada | | | |
Experiences with Simulation-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment on Real-World Networks | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Nicolas | Tremblay | 119 | While increasing levels of congestion are at odds with some fundamental assumptions underlying static assignment models, modern traffic management and control methods are requiring models that are more detailed in their representation of the network infrastructure and traffic flow phenomena. This paper reports on some real-world applications of an iterative dynamic traffic assignment model that uses an original traffic simulation model for computing path travel times, and the method of successive averages for computing the time-dependent assignment. | acc | 0 | 301 | INRO Consultants, Inc. | | | | | Canada | | | |
Experiences with Simulation-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment on Real-World Networks | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Michael | Mahut | 119 | While increasing levels of congestion are at odds with some fundamental assumptions underlying static assignment models, modern traffic management and control methods are requiring models that are more detailed in their representation of the network infrastructure and traffic flow phenomena. This paper reports on some real-world applications of an iterative dynamic traffic assignment model that uses an original traffic simulation model for computing path travel times, and the method of successive averages for computing the time-dependent assignment. | acc | 1 | 299 | C.R.T. Univ. of Montreal. and INRO Consultants, Inc., Montreal. | 5160 Decarie Blvd. | Suite 610 | Montreal | Quebec | Canada | 514-369-2023 | H3X2H9 | |
Short-term prediction of transit on-board loads using a schedule-based dynamic approach | Public Transportation | Luca | Rosati | 121 | This paper describes a modelling framework set up to forecast transit system functioning by the use of a class of schedule-based dynamic path choice and assignment models. The first part of the paper describes the modelling framework and the features of the used schedule-based dynamic models; the latter briefly describes possible applications and future perspectives. | acc | 0 | 305 | DEPT CIVIL ENGINEERING - UNIVERSITY OF ROME TOR VERGATA | | | | | ITALY | | | |
Short-term prediction of transit on-board loads using a schedule-based dynamic approach | Public Transportation | Umberto | Crisalli | 121 | This paper describes a modelling framework set up to forecast transit system functioning by the use of a class of schedule-based dynamic path choice and assignment models. The first part of the paper describes the modelling framework and the features of the used schedule-based dynamic models; the latter briefly describes possible applications and future perspectives. | acc | 1 | 304 | DEPT CIVIL ENGINEERING - UNIV. OF ROME TOR VERGATA | VIA DEL POLITECNICO 1 | | ROME | | ITALY | 3,90673E;11 | 133 | |
Solving larger crew pairing problems | Crew Scheduling | Curt | Hjorring | 128 | We present algorithmic techniques for solving very large crew pairing problems. For instance, Lagrangian relaxation, along with a subgradient solver, gives much better dual feedback than an LP based approach, and has much lower computational overhead. The techniques provide high quality solutions to daily railway pairing problems with over 7,000 legs. | acc | 1 | 318 | Carmen Systems | Odinsgatan 9 | | Gothenburg | | Sweden | ;46 31 7208131 | SE-411 03 | |
Primal Method for Determining the Most Likely Route Flows in Large Road Networks | Network Assignment | Hillel | Bar-Gera | 129 | This paper presents practical methods for large-scale networks to determine the set of user equilibrium routes from an approximate traffic assignment solution, and to determine the entropy maximizing user equilibrium flows on these routes. | acc | 1 | 319 | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | P.O.B. 653 | | Beer-Sheva | | Israel | (972) 8 646-1398 | 84105 | |
An MPEC Aprroach to Second-Best Pricing | Network Assignment | Siriphong | Lawphongpanich | 130 | This paper discusses two nonlinear programming formulations equivalent to the second-best toll pricing problem, a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints. One formulation leads to properties of interest to transportation economists and the other produces an algorithm that is easy to implement and solves large problems. Numerical results are also presented. | acc | 0 | 321 | ISE Dept, Univ of Florida | | | | | USA | | | |
An MPEC Aprroach to Second-Best Pricing | Network Assignment | Donald | Hearn | 130 | This paper discusses two nonlinear programming formulations equivalent to the second-best toll pricing problem, a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints. One formulation leads to properties of interest to transportation economists and the other produces an algorithm that is easy to implement and solves large problems. Numerical results are also presented. | acc | 1 | 320 | Univ of Florida | ISE Dept, 303 Weil Hall | | Gainesville | Florida | USA | 352-392-1475 | 32611-6595 | |
A bimodal model for road transportation tolling in Europe | Transport Economics and Pricing | Megan | Khoshyaran | 134 | The paper investigates a bimodal model, private cars and trucks, for road transportation tolling in Europe. The model is path based for long distance traffic and arc based for shorter range trips, resulting in a fixed point problem. The impact of tolling cars is shown to be modest, while tolling trucks yields a more significant social benefit. | acc | 0 | 328 | ETC Economics-Traffic Clinic | | | | | FRANCE | | | |
A bimodal model for road transportation tolling in Europe | Transport Economics and Pricing | Jean-Patrick | Lebacque | 134 | The paper investigates a bimodal model, private cars and trucks, for road transportation tolling in Europe. The model is path based for long distance traffic and arc based for shorter range trips, resulting in a fixed point problem. The impact of tolling cars is shown to be modest, while tolling trucks yields a more significant social benefit. | acc | 1 | 327 | INRETS-GRETIA | 2, avenue du Général Malleret-Joinville | | ARCUEIL | | FRANCE | ;33 1 47 40 72 77 | F 94114 | |
A Lagrangian-Based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Multicommodity Capacitated Network Design | Logistics Network Design | Mervat | Chouman | 135 | In this paper, we present a branch-and-cut algorithm (B\\&C) to solve the multicommodity capacitated fixed charge network design problem (MCND). The cutting-plane approach developed recently by the authors forms the basis of this B\\&C algorithm, but instead of performing it at every node of the B\\&C tree, which is computationally too heavy, we solve Lagrangian subproblems to perform variable fixing, generate local cuts, and derive branching rules. | acc | 0 | 330 | CRT-Université de Montréal | | | | | Canada | | | |
A Lagrangian-Based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Multicommodity Capacitated Network Design | Logistics Network Design | Teodor Gabriel | Crainic | 135 | In this paper, we present a branch-and-cut algorithm (B\\&C) to solve the multicommodity capacitated fixed charge network design problem (MCND). The cutting-plane approach developed recently by the authors forms the basis of this B\\&C algorithm, but instead of performing it at every node of the B\\&C tree, which is computationally too heavy, we solve Lagrangian subproblems to perform variable fixing, generate local cuts, and derive branching rules. | acc | 0 | 331 | CRT-Université de Montréal | | | | | Canada | | | |
A Lagrangian-Based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Multicommodity Capacitated Network Design | Logistics Network Design | Bernard | Gendron | 135 | In this paper, we present a branch-and-cut algorithm (B\\&C) to solve the multicommodity capacitated fixed charge network design problem (MCND). The cutting-plane approach developed recently by the authors forms the basis of this B\\&C algorithm, but instead of performing it at every node of the B\\&C tree, which is computationally too heavy, we solve Lagrangian subproblems to perform variable fixing, generate local cuts, and derive branching rules. | acc | 1 | 329 | CRT-Université de Montréal | C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville | | Montréal | Québec | Canada | 514-343-7479 | H3C 3J7 | |
Minimizing the Total Cost in an Integrated Vendor-Managed Inventory System | Logistics Network Design | Luca | Bertazzi | 136 | In this paper we consider a complex production-distribution system, where a facility produces (or orders from an external supplier) several items which are distributed to a set of retailers by a fleet of vehicles. We consider a Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) policy, in which the facility knows the inventory levels of the retailers and takes care of their replenishment policies. The production (or ordering) policy, the retailers replenishment policies and the transportation policy have to be determined so as to minimize the total system cost which includes the fixed and variable production costs at the facility, the inventory costs at the facility and at the retailers and the transportation costs, that is the fixed costs of the vehicles and the traveling costs. We propose two different decompositions of the problem and optimal or heuristic procedures for the solution of the subproblems. The computational results show that one of the decompositions is more effective. Moreover, we compare the VMI policy with the more traditional Retailer-Managed Inventory (RMI) policy and show that the RMI policy has a cost which increases from 17% to up to 94% the cost of the VMI policy. | acc | 0 | 333 | Dipartimento di Metodi Quantitativi, Università di Brescia | | | | | Italy | | | |
Minimizing the Total Cost in an Integrated Vendor-Managed Inventory System | Logistics Network Design | Giuseppe | Paletta | 136 | In this paper we consider a complex production-distribution system, where a facility produces (or orders from an external supplier) several items which are distributed to a set of retailers by a fleet of vehicles. We consider a Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) policy, in which the facility knows the inventory levels of the retailers and takes care of their replenishment policies. The production (or ordering) policy, the retailers replenishment policies and the transportation policy have to be determined so as to minimize the total system cost which includes the fixed and variable production costs at the facility, the inventory costs at the facility and at the retailers and the transportation costs, that is the fixed costs of the vehicles and the traveling costs. We propose two different decompositions of the problem and optimal or heuristic procedures for the solution of the subproblems. The computational results show that one of the decompositions is more effective. Moreover, we compare the VMI policy with the more traditional Retailer-Managed Inventory (RMI) policy and show that the RMI policy has a cost which increases from 17% to up to 94% the cost of the VMI policy. | acc | 0 | 334 | Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Università della Calabria | | | | | Italy | | | |
Minimizing the Total Cost in an Integrated Vendor-Managed Inventory System | Logistics Network Design | Maria Grazia | Speranza | 136 | In this paper we consider a complex production-distribution system, where a facility produces (or orders from an external supplier) several items which are distributed to a set of retailers by a fleet of vehicles. We consider a Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) policy, in which the facility knows the inventory levels of the retailers and takes care of their replenishment policies. The production (or ordering) policy, the retailers replenishment policies and the transportation policy have to be determined so as to minimize the total system cost which includes the fixed and variable production costs at the facility, the inventory costs at the facility and at the retailers and the transportation costs, that is the fixed costs of the vehicles and the traveling costs. We propose two different decompositions of the problem and optimal or heuristic procedures for the solution of the subproblems. The computational results show that one of the decompositions is more effective. Moreover, we compare the VMI policy with the more traditional Retailer-Managed Inventory (RMI) policy and show that the RMI policy has a cost which increases from 17% to up to 94% the cost of the VMI policy. | acc | 1 | 332 | Dipartimento di Metodi Quantitativi, Università di Brescia | Contrada Santa Chiara, 50 | | Brescia | Brescia | Italy | 0039-0302988584 | 25126 | |
Ramp-metering control: application of nonlinear optimization technique for Ile De France motorway network | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Habib | Haj Salem | 138 | The scope of this paper is the presentation of the off-line simulation results of the traffic impact of isolated and coordinated strategies applied to a large-scale motorway network. The isolated traffic responsive strategy is ALINEA whereas the new coordinated strategy is OASIS based on non linear optimal control. To evaluate this approach, the macroscopic modeling tool METACOR is used for simulating traffic flow phenomena in a large scale motorway network. | acc | 1 | 337 | INRETS | 2, Avenue du Gle Malleret-Joinville | | ARCUEIL | | FRANCE | # 33 1 47 40 72 87 | F-94114 | |
An recursive map-matching algorithm for GPS-data | ITS and Advanced Technologies | René Munk | Jørgensen | 139 | The literature has only to a limited extent considered the problem of tracking entire routes by GPS and linking this to a graph of links and nodes. The paper presents problems and solutions for the use of GPS to track cars routes in a road network, and presents and compares different algorithms with respect to calculation time and precision. | acc | 0 | 339 | Technical University of Denmark | | | | | Denmark | | | |
An recursive map-matching algorithm for GPS-data | ITS and Advanced Technologies | Otto Anker | Nielsen | 139 | The literature has only to a limited extent considered the problem of tracking entire routes by GPS and linking this to a graph of links and nodes. The paper presents problems and solutions for the use of GPS to track cars routes in a road network, and presents and compares different algorithms with respect to calculation time and precision. | acc | 1 | 338 | Technical University of Denmark (DTU) | Centre for Traffic and Transport (CTT) | Building 115, | Lyngby | - | Denmark | /;45)45251514 | 2800 | |
A stochastic Schedule-based freight transport assignment model with random coefficients | Network Assignment | Rasmus Dyhr | Frederiksen | 140 | The paper presents a stochastic schedule-based freight transport assignment model that allows for error terms dealing with overlapping routes, random coefficients dealing with heterogeneities, and cost functions dealing with capacity problems. This is done within different choice levels, each consisting of a set of possible mode and route alternatives. | acc | 0 | 341 | Rapidis Ltd. | | | | | Denmark | | | |
A stochastic Schedule-based freight transport assignment model with random coefficients | Network Assignment | Otto Anker | Nielsen | 140 | The paper presents a stochastic schedule-based freight transport assignment model that allows for error terms dealing with overlapping routes, random coefficients dealing with heterogeneities, and cost functions dealing with capacity problems. This is done within different choice levels, each consisting of a set of possible mode and route alternatives. | acc | 1 | 340 | Technical University of Denmark (DTU) | Centre for Traffic and Transport (CTT) | Building 115, | Lyngby | - | Denmark | ;(45) 45251514 | 2800 | |
Stochastics and Service Network Design | Freight Transportation | Teodor Gabriel | Crainic | 141 | This paper focuses on issues related to the integration of demand stochasticity into the service network design model. We present simple deterministic and stochastic models and discuss their utilization to explore the relations between demand variability and the shape and structure of the service network design. | acc | 0 | 343 | U.Q.A.M. and C.R.T. | | | | | Canada | | | |
Stochastics and Service Network Design | Freight Transportation | Arnt-Gunnar | Lium | 141 | This paper focuses on issues related to the integration of demand stochasticity into the service network design model. We present simple deterministic and stochastic models and discuss their utilization to explore the relations between demand variability and the shape and structure of the service network design. | acc | 0 | 344 | Molde University College | | | | | Norway | | | |
Stochastics and Service Network Design | Freight Transportation | Stein W. | Wallace | 141 | This paper focuses on issues related to the integration of demand stochasticity into the service network design model. We present simple deterministic and stochastic models and discuss their utilization to explore the relations between demand variability and the shape and structure of the service network design. | acc | 1 | 342 | Molde University College | P.O. Box 2110 | | Molde | | Norway | 4 771 214 207 | N-6402 | |
Constraint Programming and Column Generation Methods to Solve the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem for Repair Services | Vehicle Routing | Andres | Weintraub | 142 | We deal with a scheduling problem for Xerox technicians, which need to visit about 400 customers daily for repairs. The problem is how to schedule the itineraries given travel and repair times and promised time windows. The problem is approached via Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and Constraint Programming to solve the subproblems. Good Computational results on real problems are presented. | acc | 0 | 347 | Universidad de Chile | | | | | Chile | | | |
Constraint Programming and Column Generation Methods to Solve the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem for Repair Services | Vehicle Routing | Sebastian | Souyris | 142 | We deal with a scheduling problem for Xerox technicians, which need to visit about 400 customers daily for repairs. The problem is how to schedule the itineraries given travel and repair times and promised time windows. The problem is approached via Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and Constraint Programming to solve the subproblems. Good Computational results on real problems are presented. | acc | 0 | 348 | Universidad de Chile | | | | | Chile | | | |
Constraint Programming and Column Generation Methods to Solve the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem for Repair Services | Vehicle Routing | Cortes | Cristian | 142 | We deal with a scheduling problem for Xerox technicians, which need to visit about 400 customers daily for repairs. The problem is how to schedule the itineraries given travel and repair times and promised time windows. The problem is approached via Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and Constraint Programming to solve the subproblems. Good Computational results on real problems are presented. | acc | 1 | 346 | Universidad de Chile | Casilla 228-3 | | Santiago | | Chile | 56 2 6784380 | 999999 | |
Analytical modeling of stochastic rerouting delays for dynamic multi-vehicle pick-up and delivery problems | Vehicle Routing | R. | Jayakrishnan | 143 | This paper develops a framework for incorporating stochasticity into the routing rules used in a dynamic passenger pickup and delivery problem where the pick up calls arrive in real-time. The schemes developed are for application in the transit system context with large vehicle fleets operating with real-time routing, but may have applicability in many general purpose pickup and delivery contexts. The framework is described as a Hybrid Adaptive Predictive Control Scheme with continuous system response and discrete event-driven control actions. | acc | 0 | 350 | University of California, Irvine | | | | | United States | | | |
Analytical modeling of stochastic rerouting delays for dynamic multi-vehicle pick-up and delivery problems | Vehicle Routing | Cristian | Cortes | 143 | This paper develops a framework for incorporating stochasticity into the routing rules used in a dynamic passenger pickup and delivery problem where the pick up calls arrive in real-time. The schemes developed are for application in the transit system context with large vehicle fleets operating with real-time routing, but may have applicability in many general purpose pickup and delivery contexts. The framework is described as a Hybrid Adaptive Predictive Control Scheme with continuous system response and discrete event-driven control actions. | acc | 1 | 349 | Universidad de Chile | Casilla 228-3 | | Santiago | | Chile | 56 2 6784380 | 999999 | |
Vehicle routing with time windows - introducing new valid inequalities | Vehicle Routing | Brian | Kallehauge | 144 | We consider the vehicle routing problem with time windows focussing on an exact method solved by relaxation. New Lagragean multipliers are determined by a trust region method. To obtain integer solutions branch and bound is applied. In order to reduce the number of nodes in the branch and bound tree and to speed up the solution we will introduce new valid inequalities. Computational experience shows that this will reduce the branch and bound tree and speed up the computations considerably. | acc | 0 | 352 | CTT, Techn. Univ. of Denmark | | | | | Denmark | | | |
Vehicle routing with time windows - introducing new valid inequalities | Vehicle Routing | Oli B.G. | Madsen | 144 | We consider the vehicle routing problem with time windows focussing on an exact method solved by relaxation. New Lagragean multipliers are determined by a trust region method. To obtain integer solutions branch and bound is applied. In order to reduce the number of nodes in the branch and bound tree and to speed up the solution we will introduce new valid inequalities. Computational experience shows that this will reduce the branch and bound tree and speed up the computations considerably. | acc | 1 | 351 | CTT, Centre for Traffic and Transport | Techn. Univ. of Denmark, build 115 | | Kgs. Lyngby | | Denmark | 4 545 251 526 | DK 2800 | |
Fleet management in Real-Time | Vehicle Routing | Frédéric | Semet | 145 | Recent improvements in communication and information technologies allow to carrier the management of their fleet in real-time. The associated static problem considered is the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and a fixed size fleet. A tabu search heuristic embedded in dynamic context is presented. | acc | 0 | 354 | Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, LAMIH/ROI | | | | | FRANCE | | | |
Fleet management in Real-Time | Vehicle Routing | Fabien | Malca | 145 | Recent improvements in communication and information technologies allow to carrier the management of their fleet in real-time. The associated static problem considered is the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and a fixed size fleet. A tabu search heuristic embedded in dynamic context is presented. | acc | 1 | 353 | Universite de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, LAMIH/ROI | Le Mont Houy | | VALENCIENNES Cedex 9 | | FRANCE | 327511949 | 59313 | |
Wave tracking resolution scheme for bus modelling inside the LWR traffic flow model | Public Transportation | Ludovic | Leclercq | 146 | "A numerical scheme is proposed for bus modelling inside the LWR traffic flow model. It is based on a linear approximation of the fundamental relation between flow and density and a \\\""tracking\\\"" of (linear) shock waves in the (continuous) space-time diagram. Theoretical convergence as well as practical usability is demonstrated" | acc | 0 | 356 | LICIT (INRETS-ENTPE) | | | | | France | | | |
Wave tracking resolution scheme for bus modelling inside the LWR traffic flow model | Public Transportation | Vincent | Henn | 146 | "A numerical scheme is proposed for bus modelling inside the LWR traffic flow model. It is based on a linear approximation of the fundamental relation between flow and density and a \\\""tracking\\\"" of (linear) shock waves in the (continuous) space-time diagram. Theoretical convergence as well as practical usability is demonstrated" | acc | 1 | 355 | LICIT (INRETS-ENTPE) | Rue Maurice Audin | | Vaulx-en-Velin | | France | 33 472 047 714 | 69518 | |
A Local Search Method for a Pricing Problem on a Transportation Network | Transport Economics and Pricing | Fabien | Cirinei | 147 | We consider a pricing problem where a company strives to maximize its revenue raised from tolls imposed on a set of arcs of a multicommodity transportation network while taking into account the cost minimizing behaviour of the customers. This sequential and non cooperative decision-making process is modeled through a bilevel program. We propose a local search method based on the characterization of feasible followers solutions as a set of paths and present numerical results. | acc | 0 | 358 | LAMIH/ROI University of Valenciennes | | | | | France | | | |
A Local Search Method for a Pricing Problem on a Transportation Network | Transport Economics and Pricing | Patrice | Marcotte | 147 | We consider a pricing problem where a company strives to maximize its revenue raised from tolls imposed on a set of arcs of a multicommodity transportation network while taking into account the cost minimizing behaviour of the customers. This sequential and non cooperative decision-making process is modeled through a bilevel program. We propose a local search method based on the characterization of feasible followers solutions as a set of paths and present numerical results. | acc | 0 | 359 | CRT and Diro University of Montreal | | | | | Canada | | | |
A Local Search Method for a Pricing Problem on a Transportation Network | Transport Economics and Pricing | Gilles | Savard | 147 | We consider a pricing problem where a company strives to maximize its revenue raised from tolls imposed on a set of arcs of a multicommodity transportation network while taking into account the cost minimizing behaviour of the customers. This sequential and non cooperative decision-making process is modeled through a bilevel program. We propose a local search method based on the characterization of feasible followers solutions as a set of paths and present numerical results. | acc | 0 | 360 | Gerad and DMGI Polytechnical School Montreal | | | | | Canada | | | |
A Local Search Method for a Pricing Problem on a Transportation Network | Transport Economics and Pricing | Luce | Brotcorne | 147 | We consider a pricing problem where a company strives to maximize its revenue raised from tolls imposed on a set of arcs of a multicommodity transportation network while taking into account the cost minimizing behaviour of the customers. This sequential and non cooperative decision-making process is modeled through a bilevel program. We propose a local search method based on the characterization of feasible followers solutions as a set of paths and present numerical results. | acc | 1 | 357 | LAMIH/ROI, University of Valenciennes | Le Mont Houy | | Valenciennes Cedex 9 | | France | 33 3 27 51 19 46 | 59313 | |
A Bilevel Model of Taxation and Its Application to Optimal Pricing of Congested Highways | Transport Economics and Pricing | Jean-Patrick | Lebacque | 152 | We consider the problem of toll setting that faces the operator of a privately owned transportation network when the users of the network rationally react to the imposed prices. We study the global optimization of this non-convex/quadratic bilevel problem which is a non concave maximization problem. | acc | 0 | 370 | INRETS | | | | | France | | | |
A Bilevel Model of Taxation and Its Application to Optimal Pricing of Congested Highways | Transport Economics and Pricing | Jean-Pierre | Quadrat | 152 | We consider the problem of toll setting that faces the operator of a privately owned transportation network when the users of the network rationally react to the imposed prices. We study the global optimization of this non-convex/quadratic bilevel problem which is a non concave maximization problem. | acc | 0 | 371 | INRIA | | | | | France | | | |
A Bilevel Model of Taxation and Its Application to Optimal Pricing of Congested Highways | Transport Economics and Pricing | Pablo | Lotito | 152 | We consider the problem of toll setting that faces the operator of a privately owned transportation network when the users of the network rationally react to the imposed prices. We study the global optimization of this non-convex/quadratic bilevel problem which is a non concave maximization problem. | acc | 1 | 369 | INRETS | 2 Av General Malleret Joinville | | Arcueil | | France | 147407286 | 94114 | |
Ramp metering, speed management and Braess-like paradoxes | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Habib | Haj-Salem | 153 | The paper, relying on a simple traffic flow model, the Bounded Acceleration LWR model, and on a supply-demand based intersection model, shows that ramp metering and speed control improve traffic flow according to principles related to the Braess paradox concept. The advantage of combining ramp metering and speed control is analyzed. | acc | 0 | 373 | INRETS-GRETIA | | | | | FRANCE | | | |
Ramp metering, speed management and Braess-like paradoxes | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Jean-Patrick | Lebacque | 153 | The paper, relying on a simple traffic flow model, the Bounded Acceleration LWR model, and on a supply-demand based intersection model, shows that ramp metering and speed control improve traffic flow according to principles related to the Braess paradox concept. The advantage of combining ramp metering and speed control is analyzed. | acc | 1 | 372 | INRETS-GRETIA | 2, avenue du Général Malleret-Joinville | | ARCUEIL | | FRANCE | ;33 1 47 40 72 77 | F 94114 | |
Probe vehicles based travel time estimation in urban networks | ITS and Advanced Technologies | André-Gilles | Dumont | 154 | FCD is a sampling technique which requires controlling the statistical properties of link travel times to obtain accurate estimations. Based on microsimulation outputs, this paper shows which parameters play a key role in the travel time estimation accuracy, particularly in the case of urban networks | acc | 0 | 375 | EPFL-LAVOC | | | | | Switzerland | | | |
Probe vehicles based travel time estimation in urban networks | ITS and Advanced Technologies | Alexandre | Torday | 154 | FCD is a sampling technique which requires controlling the statistical properties of link travel times to obtain accurate estimations. Based on microsimulation outputs, this paper shows which parameters play a key role in the travel time estimation accuracy, particularly in the case of urban networks | acc | 1 | 374 | EPFL-LAVOC | Bat GCB | | Lausanne | | Switzerland | 41216930603 | 1015 | |
Simulation of the parking phase for urban traffic emission models | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Borja | Beltran Belles | 155 | This work proposes a simulation model of parking process within a methodology for vehicular emissions modeling. Parking process is defined by a discrete number of parameters which allows building the simplified space:time cycles for parking search phase and inserting one. Parking search is represented by a simple behavioural model using a probabilistic approach for estimating searching time and a fuzzy model for estimating searching speed. Inserting phase deals with cold emissions and the problem is to determine how long vehicles work with engine temperatures lower than optimal ones. A thermodynamic model to esteem refrigerator liquid temperature and catalyst system work is provided in order to calculate warm up time. Applications of the work are shown for each model. | acc | 0 | 377 | University of Roma Tre | | | | | Italy | | | |
Simulation of the parking phase for urban traffic emission models | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Emanuele | Negrenti | 155 | This work proposes a simulation model of parking process within a methodology for vehicular emissions modeling. Parking process is defined by a discrete number of parameters which allows building the simplified space:time cycles for parking search phase and inserting one. Parking search is represented by a simple behavioural model using a probabilistic approach for estimating searching time and a fuzzy model for estimating searching speed. Inserting phase deals with cold emissions and the problem is to determine how long vehicles work with engine temperatures lower than optimal ones. A thermodynamic model to esteem refrigerator liquid temperature and catalyst system work is provided in order to calculate warm up time. Applications of the work are shown for each model. | acc | 0 | 378 | Enea | | | | | Italy | | | |
Simulation of the parking phase for urban traffic emission models | Urban Transportation Planning Models | Stefano | Carrese | 155 | This work proposes a simulation model of parking process within a methodology for vehicular emissions modeling. Parking process is defined by a discrete number of parameters which allows building the simplified space:time cycles for parking search phase and inserting one. Parking search is represented by a simple behavioural model using a probabilistic approach for estimating searching time and a fuzzy model for estimating searching speed. Inserting phase deals with cold emissions and the problem is to determine how long vehicles work with engine temperatures lower than optimal ones. A thermodynamic model to esteem refrigerator liquid temperature and catalyst system work is provided in order to calculate warm up time. Applications of the work are shown for each model. | acc | 1 | 376 | University of Roma Tre | Via Vito Volterra 62 | | Rome | | Italy | 39 06 55173410 | 146 | |
A Multi-agent Model for Distribution Problems in Logistics Systems | Vehicle Routing | Lucio | Bianco | 156 | In this paper we propose a multi-agent model for distribution problems represented as a multi-decision makers capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows. In particular, we describe the architecture of the multi-agent model, the local optimization problems solved by each agent, the parameters negotiation between agents, and the issues related to the convergence toward a feasible solution. Moreover, we analyze the proposed architecture on a real Italian scenario. | acc | 0 | 380 | "Department of Computer Science, Systems and Production. Universitu of Rome ""Tor Vergata""" | | | | | Italy | | | |
A Multi-agent Model for Distribution Problems in Logistics Systems | Vehicle Routing | Giuseppe | Stecca | 156 | In this paper we propose a multi-agent model for distribution problems represented as a multi-decision makers capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows. In particular, we describe the architecture of the multi-agent model, the local optimization problems solved by each agent, the parameters negotiation between agents, and the issues related to the convergence toward a feasible solution. Moreover, we analyze the proposed architecture on a real Italian scenario. | acc | 0 | 381 | "Department of Computer Science, Systems and Production. Universitu of Rome ""Tor Vergata""" | | | | | Italy | | | |
A Multi-agent Model for Distribution Problems in Logistics Systems | Vehicle Routing | Giuseppe | Confessore | 156 | In this paper we propose a multi-agent model for distribution problems represented as a multi-decision makers capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows. In particular, we describe the architecture of the multi-agent model, the local optimization problems solved by each agent, the parameters negotiation between agents, and the issues related to the convergence toward a feasible solution. Moreover, we analyze the proposed architecture on a real Italian scenario. | acc | 1 | 379 | Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation. National Research Council | Area della Ricerca di Roma Tor Vergata. Via del fosso del cavaliere 100. | | Rome | | Italy | ;39 06 4993 4902 | 133 | |
A new efficient Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating mixed logit models | Transport Economics and Pricing | Fabian | Bastin | 157 | This paper describes a new algorithm for mixed logit models estimation that uses Monte Carlo approximations in the context of modern trust-region techniques, but also exploits new results on the convergence of accuracy and bias estimators to considerably increase its numerical efficiency. | acc | 0 | 383 | Transportation Research Group, FUNDP, Namur | | | | | Belgium | | | |
A new efficient Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating mixed logit models | Transport Economics and Pricing | Cinzia | Cirillo | 157 | This paper describes a new algorithm for mixed logit models estimation that uses Monte Carlo approximations in the context of modern trust-region techniques, but also exploits new results on the convergence of accuracy and bias estimators to considerably increase its numerical efficiency. | acc | 0 | 384 | Transportation Research Group, FUNDP, Namur | | | | | Belgium | | | |
A new efficient Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating mixed logit models | Transport Economics and Pricing | Philippe | Toint | 157 | This paper describes a new algorithm for mixed logit models estimation that uses Monte Carlo approximations in the context of modern trust-region techniques, but also exploits new results on the convergence of accuracy and bias estimators to considerably increase its numerical efficiency. | acc | 1 | 382 | Transportation Research Group, FUNDP | 61, rue de Bruxelles, | | Namur | | Belgium | -724966 | B-5000 | |
A general coordinated model to simulate urban freight distribution | Freight Transportation | Antonio | Comi | 158 | In the paper a system of models to analyse urban goods traffic is proposed. The models proposed are applicable to real cases to obtain the first estimation of daily quantities that travel into the urban centre. | acc | 0 | 386 | Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Electronics and Transportation - University of Reggio C | | | | | Italy | | | |
A general coordinated model to simulate urban freight distribution | Freight Transportation | Francesco | Russo | 158 | In the paper a system of models to analyse urban goods traffic is proposed. The models proposed are applicable to real cases to obtain the first estimation of daily quantities that travel into the urban centre. | acc | 1 | 385 | Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Electronics and Transportation - University of Reggio C | Faculty of Engineering - Feo di Vito | | Reggio Calabria | | Italy | 390 965 875 232 | 89100 | |
An exact approach for the symmetric capacitated vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints | Vehicle Routing | Manuel | Iori | 159 | We consider a special case of the classical symmetric capacitated vehicle routing problem (SCVRP), in which we impose additional two - dimensional constraints on the loading of the vehicles. In this problem a fleet of $K$ identical vehicles must serve $n$ clients, each with a given demand, consisting in a lot of total weight $d_i$, and of $m_i$ rectangular and two-dimensional items, of dimensions $h_{\\\\ell}\\\\times w_{\\\\ell}$ ($\\\\ell=1,\\\\dots, m_i$). Thus, a feasible two-dimensional packing ($2CL$) must be found for each of the containers to be used in a solution. We consider that each client must be served by just one vehicle (cluster constraint) and that, in order to facilitate operations, when unloading items of one lot, no items of successive lots must be moved inside the vehicle (loading constraint). The problem derives from a company operating in the furniture market, and has several applications in the distribution of goods that cannot be placed one over the other. The problem is NP-Hard in the strong sense, since it is the combination of $SCVRP$ and of $2CL$, strictly deriving from two dimensional Bin Packing Problem, both NP-Hard in the strong sense. In the following, we refer to it as {\\\\it 2CL-SCVRP}. We propose an exact approach, in which the routing part is solved through a Branch-and-Cut algorithm, that uses CPLEX 8.1 as LP solver. When a heuristic solution is found, the sets of items, corresponding to the lots that are to be loaded in each vehicle, are passed to a Branch-and-Bound procedure, to check the feasibility of the loadings. If the output from the checking is unfeasible for the items associated to a set of clients then a new constraint is added to the original problem, imposing that some clients must not be included in the same tour. New lower bounds are proposed for the Branch-and-Bound procedure, and different heuristics, derived from the combination of the literatures of routing and packing, are included in order to improve the performance of the algorithm. | acc | 0 | 388 | Universita di Bologna | | | | | Italy | | | |
An exact approach for the symmetric capacitated vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints | Vehicle Routing | Daniele | Vigo | 159 | We consider a special case of the classical symmetric capacitated vehicle routing problem (SCVRP), in which we impose additional two - dimensional constraints on the loading of the vehicles. In this problem a fleet of $K$ identical vehicles must serve $n$ clients, each with a given demand, consisting in a lot of total weight $d_i$, and of $m_i$ rectangular and two-dimensional items, of dimensions $h_{\\\\ell}\\\\times w_{\\\\ell}$ ($\\\\ell=1,\\\\dots, m_i$). Thus, a feasible two-dimensional packing ($2CL$) must be found for each of the containers to be used in a solution. We consider that each client must be served by just one vehicle (cluster constraint) and that, in order to facilitate operations, when unloading items of one lot, no items of successive lots must be moved inside the vehicle (loading constraint). The problem derives from a company operating in the furniture market, and has several applications in the distribution of goods that cannot be placed one over the other. The problem is NP-Hard in the strong sense, since it is the combination of $SCVRP$ and of $2CL$, strictly deriving from two dimensional Bin Packing Problem, both NP-Hard in the strong sense. In the following, we refer to it as {\\\\it 2CL-SCVRP}. We propose an exact approach, in which the routing part is solved through a Branch-and-Cut algorithm, that uses CPLEX 8.1 as LP solver. When a heuristic solution is found, the sets of items, corresponding to the lots that are to be loaded in each vehicle, are passed to a Branch-and-Bound procedure, to check the feasibility of the loadings. If the output from the checking is unfeasible for the items associated to a set of clients then a new constraint is added to the original problem, imposing that some clients must not be included in the same tour. New lower bounds are proposed for the Branch-and-Bound procedure, and different heuristics, derived from the combination of the literatures of routing and packing, are included in order to improve the performance of the algorithm. | acc | 0 | 389 | Universita di Bologna | | | | | Italy | | | |
An exact approach for the symmetric capacitated vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints | Vehicle Routing | Juan José | Salazar González | 159 | We consider a special case of the classical symmetric capacitated vehicle routing problem (SCVRP), in which we impose additional two - dimensional constraints on the loading of the vehicles. In this problem a fleet of $K$ identical vehicles must serve $n$ clients, each with a given demand, consisting in a lot of total weight $d_i$, and of $m_i$ rectangular and two-dimensional items, of dimensions $h_{\\\\ell}\\\\times w_{\\\\ell}$ ($\\\\ell=1,\\\\dots, m_i$). Thus, a feasible two-dimensional packing ($2CL$) must be found for each of the containers to be used in a solution. We consider that each client must be served by just one vehicle (cluster constraint) and that, in order to facilitate operations, when unloading items of one lot, no items of successive lots must be moved inside the vehicle (loading constraint). The problem derives from a company operating in the furniture market, and has several applications in the distribution of goods that cannot be placed one over the other. The problem is NP-Hard in the strong sense, since it is the combination of $SCVRP$ and of $2CL$, strictly deriving from two dimensional Bin Packing Problem, both NP-Hard in the strong sense. In the following, we refer to it as {\\\\it 2CL-SCVRP}. We propose an exact approach, in which the routing part is solved through a Branch-and-Cut algorithm, that uses CPLEX 8.1 as LP solver. When a heuristic solution is found, the sets of items, corresponding to the lots that are to be loaded in each vehicle, are passed to a Branch-and-Bound procedure, to check the feasibility of the loadings. If the output from the checking is unfeasible for the items associated to a set of clients then a new constraint is added to the original problem, imposing that some clients must not be included in the same tour. New lower bounds are proposed for the Branch-and-Bound procedure, and different heuristics, derived from the combination of the literatures of routing and packing, are included in order to improve the performance of the algorithm. | acc | 1 | 387 | DEIOC | Universidad de La Laguna | Facultad de Matemáticas | La Laguna | Tenerife | Spain | 34922318184 | 38271 | |
Airline Scheduling: Planning for Robust Operations | Air Transportation | John-Paul | Clarke | 161 | Aircraft, crew and passenger schedules are frequently disrupted, leading to increased operational and passenger delay costs. To address this issue, we present several new airline schedule planning models, and their associated algorithms to achieve robust operations. We investigate the value of our robust planning approaches using data provided by a major U.S. airline. We show that compared to solutions generated using conventional approaches, our robust planning approaches can reduce delays and aircraft and crew passenger disruptions, with only small increases in planned costs. | acc | 0 | 392 | MIT | | | | | USA | | | |
Airline Scheduling: Planning for Robust Operations | Air Transportation | Amy | Cohn | 161 | Aircraft, crew and passenger schedules are frequently disrupted, leading to increased operational and passenger delay costs. To address this issue, we present several new airline schedule planning models, and their associated algorithms to achieve robust operations. We investigate the value of our robust planning approaches using data provided by a major U.S. airline. We show that compared to solutions generated using conventional approaches, our robust planning approaches can reduce delays and aircraft and crew passenger disruptions, with only small increases in planned costs. | acc | 0 | 393 | University of Michigan | | | | | USA | | | |
Airline Scheduling: Planning for Robust Operations | Air Transportation | Biova | Agbokou | 161 | Aircraft, crew and passenger schedules are frequently disrupted, leading to increased operational and passenger delay costs. To address this issue, we present several new airline schedule planning models, and their associated algorithms to achieve robust operations. We investigate the value of our robust planning approaches using data provided by a major U.S. airline. We show that compared to solutions generated using conventional approaches, our robust planning approaches can reduce delays and aircraft and crew passenger disruptions, with only small increases in planned costs. | acc | 0 | 394 | MIT | | | | | USA | | | |
Airline Scheduling: Planning for Robust Operations | Air Transportation | Shan | Lan | 161 | Aircraft, crew and passenger schedules are frequently disrupted, leading to increased operational and passenger delay costs. To address this issue, we present several new airline schedule planning models, and their associated algorithms to achieve robust operations. We investigate the value of our robust planning approaches using data provided by a major U.S. airline. We show that compared to solutions generated using conventional approaches, our robust planning approaches can reduce delays and aircraft and crew passenger disruptions, with only small increases in planned costs. | acc | 0 | 395 | American Express | | | | | USA | | | |
Airline Scheduling: Planning for Robust Operations | Air Transportation | Sepehr | Sarmadi | 161 | Aircraft, crew and passenger schedules are frequently disrupted, leading to increased operational and passenger delay costs. To address this issue, we present several new airline schedule planning models, and their associated algorithms to achieve robust operations. We investigate the value of our robust planning approaches using data provided by a major U.S. airline. We show that compared to solutions generated using conventional approaches, our robust planning approaches can reduce delays and aircraft and crew passenger disruptions, with only small increases in planned costs. | acc | 0 | 396 | MIT | | | | | USA | | | |
Airline Scheduling: Planning for Robust Operations | Air Transportation | Cynthia | Barnhart | 161 | Aircraft, crew and passenger schedules are frequently disrupted, leading to increased operational and passenger delay costs. To address this issue, we present several new airline schedule planning models, and their associated algorithms to achieve robust operations. We investigate the value of our robust planning approaches using data provided by a major U.S. airline. We show that compared to solutions generated using conventional approaches, our robust planning approaches can reduce delays and aircraft and crew passenger disruptions, with only small increases in planned costs. | acc | 1 | 391 | MIT | 77 Massachusetts Avenue | Room 1-235 | Cambridge | MA | USA | 6 172 533 815 | 2139 | |
Pricing a segmented market subject to congestion | Transport Economics and Pricing | Patrice | Marcotte | 163 | In this presentation we address the problem of setting profit-maximizing tolls on a congested transportation network involving several user classes. We derive an infinite-dimensional bilevel optimization problem involving a bilinear objective at the upper level and a convex objective at the lower level. We present numerical results based on a two-phase discretization-subgradient algorithm. | acc | 0 | 400 | DIRO-CRT, Université de Montréal | | | | | Canada | | | |
Pricing a segmented market subject to congestion | Transport Economics and Pricing | Maxime | Fortin | 163 | In this presentation we address the problem of setting profit-maximizing tolls on a congested transportation network involving several user classes. We derive an infinite-dimensional bilevel optimization problem involving a bilinear objective at the upper level and a convex objective at the lower level. We present numerical results based on a two-phase discretization-subgradient algorithm. | acc | 0 | 401 | MAGI, École Polytechnique de Montréal | | | | | Canada | | | |
Pricing a segmented market subject to congestion | Transport Economics and Pricing | Gilles | Savard | 163 | In this presentation we address the problem of setting profit-maximizing tolls on a congested transportation network involving several user classes. We derive an infinite-dimensional bilevel optimization problem involving a bilinear objective at the upper level and a convex objective at the lower level. We present numerical results based on a two-phase discretization-subgradient algorithm. | acc | 1 | 399 | École Polytechnique | Dépt. Mathématiques et Génie Industriel | C.P.6079, Succ. Centre-ville | Montréal | Québec | Canada | 514-340-4711 ext.4765 | H3C 3A7 | |
A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem | Vehicle Routing | Claudia | Archetti | 164 | We describe a tabu search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with split deliveries. At each iteration, a neighbour solution is obtained by removing a customer from a set of routes where it is currently visited, and by inserting it either into a new route, or into an existing route which has enough residual capacity. The algorithm also considers the possibility of inserting a customer into a route without removing it from another route. The insertion of a customer into a route is done by means of the cheapest insertion method. Computational experiments are reported for a set of benchmark problems, and the results are compared with those obtained by the algorithm proposed by Dror and Trudeau. | acc | 0 | 403 | Universita degli Studi di Brescia | | | | | Italy | | | |
A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem | Vehicle Routing | Maria Grazia | Speranza | 164 | We describe a tabu search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with split deliveries. At each iteration, a neighbour solution is obtained by removing a customer from a set of routes where it is currently visited, and by inserting it either into a new route, or into an existing route which has enough residual capacity. The algorithm also considers the possibility of inserting a customer into a route without removing it from another route. The insertion of a customer into a route is done by means of the cheapest insertion method. Computational experiments are reported for a set of benchmark problems, and the results are compared with those obtained by the algorithm proposed by Dror and Trudeau. | acc | 0 | 404 | Universita degli Studi di Brescia | | | | | Italy | | | |
A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem | Vehicle Routing | Alain | Hertz | 164 | We describe a tabu search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with split deliveries. At each iteration, a neighbour solution is obtained by removing a customer from a set of routes where it is currently visited, and by inserting it either into a new route, or into an existing route which has enough residual capacity. The algorithm also considers the possibility of inserting a customer into a route without removing it from another route. The insertion of a customer into a route is done by means of the cheapest insertion method. Computational experiments are reported for a set of benchmark problems, and the results are compared with those obtained by the algorithm proposed by Dror and Trudeau. | acc | 1 | 402 | GERAD - Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal | Département de Mathématiques et de Génie Industriel | CP 6079, succ. Centre-ville, | Montréal | Québec | Canada | 1-514-340 6053 ext 6037 | H3C 3A7 | |
Exact Algorithms for Determining Optimal Path Flows in Dynamic and Probabilistic Networks | Network Assignment | Sathaporn | Opasanon | 170 | A conceptual framework and algorithmic steps are proposed for determining optimal evacuation paths in capacitated dynamic networks, where arc traversal times are time-dependent and arc capacities are discrete random variables with time-varying distributions. The proposed algorithm can facilitate safer evacuation of a building in circumstances warranting quick escape. | acc | 0 | 420 | University of Maryland | | | | | USA | | | |
Exact Algorithms for Determining Optimal Path Flows in Dynamic and Probabilistic Networks | Network Assignment | Elise | Miller-Hooks | 170 | A conceptual framework and algorithmic steps are proposed for determining optimal evacuation paths in capacitated dynamic networks, where arc traversal times are time-dependent and arc capacities are discrete random variables with time-varying distributions. The proposed algorithm can facilitate safer evacuation of a building in circumstances warranting quick escape. | acc | 1 | 419 | University of Maryland | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | 1173 Glenn Martin Hall | College Park | Maryland | USA | 301-405-2046 | 20742 | |
Traffic Simulation Model Calibration Framework using Aggregate Data | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Haris N. | Koutsopoulos | 172 | This paper presents a framework for the off-line calibration of traffic simulation models using aggregate traffic data. Model parameters and time-dependent origin-destination flows are estimated jointly in order to capture the inter-relationship between the two quantities. Habitual travel times are modeled through a learning process to capture drivers' day-to-day perceptions. The proposed framework explicitly accounts for the stochasticity of the simulation model. A general solution approach for the calibration problem is outlined, and some computational issues are discussed. The methodology is currently being applied on a freeway network from the Hampton Roads region of Virginia using DynaMIT, a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model. | acc | 0 | 423 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | | | | | USA | | | |
Traffic Simulation Model Calibration Framework using Aggregate Data | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Moshe E. | Ben-Akiva | 172 | This paper presents a framework for the off-line calibration of traffic simulation models using aggregate traffic data. Model parameters and time-dependent origin-destination flows are estimated jointly in order to capture the inter-relationship between the two quantities. Habitual travel times are modeled through a learning process to capture drivers' day-to-day perceptions. The proposed framework explicitly accounts for the stochasticity of the simulation model. A general solution approach for the calibration problem is outlined, and some computational issues are discussed. The methodology is currently being applied on a freeway network from the Hampton Roads region of Virginia using DynaMIT, a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model. | acc | 0 | 424 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | | | | | USA | | | |
Traffic Simulation Model Calibration Framework using Aggregate Data | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Tomer | Toledo | 172 | This paper presents a framework for the off-line calibration of traffic simulation models using aggregate traffic data. Model parameters and time-dependent origin-destination flows are estimated jointly in order to capture the inter-relationship between the two quantities. Habitual travel times are modeled through a learning process to capture drivers' day-to-day perceptions. The proposed framework explicitly accounts for the stochasticity of the simulation model. A general solution approach for the calibration problem is outlined, and some computational issues are discussed. The methodology is currently being applied on a freeway network from the Hampton Roads region of Virginia using DynaMIT, a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model. | acc | 0 | 425 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | | | | | USA | | | |
Traffic Simulation Model Calibration Framework using Aggregate Data | Advanced Traffic Management Systems | Ramachandran | Balakrishna | 172 | This paper presents a framework for the off-line calibration of traffic simulation models using aggregate traffic data. Model parameters and time-dependent origin-destination flows are estimated jointly in order to capture the inter-relationship between the two quantities. Habitual travel times are modeled through a learning process to capture drivers' day-to-day perceptions. The proposed framework explicitly accounts for the stochasticity of the simulation model. A general solution approach for the calibration problem is outlined, and some computational issues are discussed. The methodology is currently being applied on a freeway network from the Hampton Roads region of Virginia using DynaMIT, a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model. | acc | 1 | 422 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | 77 Massachussetts Avenue | Cambridge | MA | USA | 555-1212 | 2139 | |
A New Algorithm Based on Ranking Paths Procedure for the Multiobjective Shortest Path Problem | Vehicle Routing | E. | Martins | 173 | This paper deals with the multicriteria shortest path problem, in which one intends to find nondominated paths (paths for which there is no other path with better values for all the criteria). A new algorithm is proposed and it is compared with two well-known forms of label algorithm. Computational results are reported. | acc | 0 | 427 | Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra | | | | | Portugal | | | |
A New Algorithm Based on Ranking Paths Procedure for the Multiobjective Shortest Path Problem | Vehicle Routing | J. | Paixao | 173 | This paper deals with the multicriteria shortest path problem, in which one intends to find nondominated paths (paths for which there is no other path with better values for all the criteria). A new algorithm is proposed and it is compared with two well-known forms of label algorithm. Computational results are reported. | acc | 0 | 428 | DEIO, University of Lisbon | | | | | Portugal | | | |
A New Algorithm Based on Ranking Paths Procedure for the Multiobjective Shortest Path Problem | Vehicle Routing | M. | Rosa | 173 | This paper deals with the multicriteria shortest path problem, in which one intends to find nondominated paths (paths for which there is no other path with better values for all the criteria). A new algorithm is proposed and it is compared with two well-known forms of label algorithm. Computational results are reported. | acc | 0 | 429 | Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra | | | | | Portugal | | | |
A New Algorithm Based on Ranking Paths Procedure for the Multiobjective Shortest Path Problem | Vehicle Routing | J.L. | Santos | 173 | This paper deals with the multicriteria shortest path problem, in which one intends to find nondominated paths (paths for which there is no other path with better values for all the criteria). A new algorithm is proposed and it is compared with two well-known forms of label algorithm. Computational results are reported. | acc | 1 | 426 | Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra | University of Coimbra, Apartado 3008 | | Coimbra | | Portugal | 351 239 791 150 | 3001-454 | |
Heuristic and Metaheuristic Algorithms for the Capacitated and Distance-constrained Vehicle Routing Problems | Vehicle Routing | Paolo | Toth | 174 | The well known Capacitated and Distance-Constrained Vehicle Routing Problems (CVRP and DVRP, respectively) are considered. The most effective heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms proposed for CVRP and DVRP are described. A new ILP-based refining procedure is proposed. Extensive computational results on real-cost and integer-cost instances from the literature are presented. | acc | 0 | 430 | Universita di Bologna | | | | | Italy | | | |