
Following the tradition, the fifth TRISTAN conference will be held in Guadeloupe, the butterfly-shaped island in the French West Indies.

Conference Programme

[Overview (program grid)]  [Monday]  [Tuesday]  [Thursday]  [Friday


8:30 AM
  Opening Session
9:00 AM
MA1 Maritime Transportation

Challenges and Trends in Ship Routing and Scheduling
Marielle Christiansen, David Ronen, Kjetil Fagerholt

A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Ship Scheduling: A Computational Study
Geir Bronmo, Bjorn Nygreen, Kjetil Fagerholt, Marielle Christiansen

The Berth Allocation Problem: Application to the Gioia Tauro Maritime Terminal
Gilbert Laporte, Luigi Moccia, Pasquale Legato, Jean-François Cordeau

MA2 Trafic Equilibrium 1

User Equilibrium versus System Optimum in Transportation when Costs are Non-separable and Asymmetric
Georgia Perakis

A New Algorithm to Solve Large-scale Fixed-point Problems
Michel Bierlaire, Frank Crittin

A Precise Sensitivity Analysis of Traffic Equilibria, with Applications
Michael Patriksson

MA3 Freight Assignment

A Tour-based Logistic Distribution Model
Armando Cartenì, Francesco Russo

A Stochastic Schedule-based Freight Transport Assignment Model with Random Coefficients
Otto Anker Nielsen, Rasmus Dyhr Frederiksen

A General Coordinated Model to Simulate Urban Freight Distribution
Francesco Russo, Antonio Comi

10:30 AM
  Coffee Break
11:00 AM
MB1 Heuristics for VRP 1

On-Orbit Servicing: A Time-dependent Tabu Search Implementation
Jean-Marie Bourjolly, Aleksander Lyngvi, Ozgur Gurtuna

A Genetic Algorithm with Population Management (GA|PM) for the CARP
Christian Prins, Kenneth Sörensen, Marc Sevaux

Random Neighborhood Selection for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
Monica Gentili, Francesco Carrabs, Raffaele Cerulli

A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem
Alain Hertz, Claudia Archetti, Maria Grazia Speranza

MB2 Dynamic Traffic Assignment

Spillback Modelling in Dynamic Traffic Assignment Using Implicit Path Enumeration
Lorenzo Meschini, Natale Papola, Guido Gentile, Giuseppe Bellei

INDY: a New Analytical Multiclass Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model
Michiel Bliemer, Ronald Castenmiller, Erik Versteegt

Experiences with Simulation-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment on Real-World Networks
Michael Mahut, Nicolas Tremblay, Michael Florian

Heuristic Dynamic Assignment Based on AIMSUN Microscopic Traffic Simulator
Jaume Barceló, Jordi Casas

MB3 Airline Planning

Schedule of Sorting Warehouses in Charles de Gaulle Airport
Sebastien Lemaire, Véronique Lemée, Cyrille Gueguen, Ekbel Bouzgarrou

Solving Larger Crew Pairing Problems
Curt Hjorring

Integrated Airline Planning
Diego Klabjan, Rivi Sandhu

Airline Scheduling: Planning for Robust Operations
Cynthia Barnhart, Amy Cohn, John-Paul Clarke, Sepehr Sarmadi, Shan Lan, Biova Agbokou

1:00 PM
2:30 PM
  Plenary Session: Paolo Toth
3:30 PM
  Coffee Break
4:00 PM
MC1 Column Generation Applications

New Refinements for the Solution of Vehicle Routing Problems with Column Generation
Louis-Martin Rousseau, Dominique Feillet, Michel Gendreau

Planning Lines with Minimal Transfers - A Dantzig-Wolfe Approach
Susanne Scholl, Anita Schöbel

Integrated Bus and Driver Scheduling
Guy Desaulniers, Marius Solomon, Jacques Desrosiers

MC2 Ramp Metering

Ramp-metering Control: Application of Nonlinear Optimization Technique for Ile de France Motorway Network
Habib Haj-Salem

Hierarchical Nonlinear Model-Predictive Ramp Metering Control for Freeway Networks
Apostolos Kotsialos, Markos Papageorgiou

Ramp Metering, Speed Management and Braess-like Paradoxes
Jean-Patrick Lebacque, Habib Haj-Salem

MC3 Network Design

A Lagrangian-Based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Multicommodity Capacitated Network Design
Bernard Gendron, Mervat Chouman, Teodor Gabriel Crainic

Strategic Network Design for Time Definite Trucking
James Campbell

Stochastics and Service Network Design
Stein W. Wallace, Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Arnt-Gunnar Lium